7 Games That Never Go Out Of Style

If we do a little memory, parents will remember many game options that never go out of style. To teach them to our children, we need a little time and patience.
7 games that never go out of style

Although it seems that the internet dominates everything, there are games that never go out of style. These are those recreational activities that easily cross generational barriers; These options represent excellent alternatives to video games and the computer.

If you think your child spends many hours behind the screen, perhaps it is time to show him how you had fun as a child. Doing so costs nothing; it just takes patience, quality time, and a bit of maternal or paternal creativity.

But before transferring that almost ancestral knowledge, the first thing will be to remember those games that so captivated us. Surely, our children will be hooked with some of the proposals. Here we will help you remember them.

Hide and seek: hours of fun without any toys

This game will probably never leave the memory of the children of the present and the future. The tonic is simple: a child makes an account while the rest hides; later, it will begin to look for each one of the people in hiding.

But it’s not just about searching. In fact, we can make the base where the little account is the place where the people in hiding break free on the run. This single game can ensure hours of fun without investing in a single toy.

Hide and seek is one of the classic games that never goes out of style.

Hopscotch: games that never go out of style

The old kids didn’t have as much technology at their disposal; therefore, sometimes they had to build their recreation scenarios themselves. Hopscotch allows us to create a space to jump and meet challenges.

All that is required is a chalk or stone to scratch the park or terrace floor. A diagram of 10 squares is drawn, which will represent the spaces where we must jump on one foot. Afterwards, we threw the stone and we completed the tour. This game is ideal for children 4-6 years old.

Clapping games: ideal for boys and girls at home

Time can pass, but no girl can resist traditional clapping games. It is about the synchronization of handshakes between friends while repeating a popular song. Although it may seem exaggerated, this simple and quick activity brings many benefits related to social integration, memory and empathy to those who practice it.

Games that never go out of style : jump rope

In some countries they call it “camber” and in others, simply “rope”. This game is a good three-person team activity. Simply, two children hold and move the rope while a third jumps in the middle.

This game is ideal to stimulate physical exercise in the children of the house without them realizing it. It is an excellent solution for hyperactive kids, which also promotes social integration among friends.

The game of chairs as games that never go out of style

Everyone talks about video game consoles, but in every children’s party this traditional game is not usually missing. What is required are chairs, a group of children and, if possible, a music player.

Participants start with a chair, but with the passage of time the seats are removed. The children rotate around the remaining stalls and when the music stops they must sit down … Those who are left without a chair lose!

Rolling the top or the spinning top

In general, this toy is very cheap and can be found anywhere. The spinning top has a string that we wind around it and that we throw with the intention that the toy turns many times.

The children will have to make the metal tip of the spinning top stick to the ground to make it spin. You can even do lots of creative stunts ; Without a doubt, this is one of the games that never goes out of style.

Chess is another of the typical games that never go out of style.

Chess and the art of strategizing

War is bad, unless it is fought on a board with plastic figures. We refer to chess; almost all families have one in their home. This popular board game will face two people until one says “checkmate.”

As we can see, there are many possibilities that your children will surely love; that’s why they are games that never go out of style. The next thing is to find one that the child is excited about, and play!

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