Playing Outside Is Key For Your Child

Playing outside is key for your child

When a baby is crawling or walking on the grass, he can perceive different textures and smells. This experience also allows you to feel the sounds and even the temperature of the environment around you; And having all these kinds of experiences is key for your child, because it increases and stimulates his abilities and gives him a greater knowledge of the world.

Simply being outside has many benefits for your child. And one of those good things that nature offers to all human beings, especially children, is to feel calm and connected with everything beautiful that surrounds you. Being outdoors is so important for the child that psychologists and pediatricians recommend doing it since the baby is a newborn.

Kids who can play outside are champions. Being in environments where they can recreate themselves, where they are allowed to run, jump and move freely is good for their physical and emotional health. In addition, practicing activities such as playing in an outdoor park, going to the pool or the beach, helps you exercise and socialize. All this, added to the possibility of developing their own games, which helps them to promote their autonomy.

Play is always key

Being in open spaces stimulates the curiosity and creativity of children, who, feeling the freedom of being outside the home and the rules of closed spaces, can express themselves more openly and refine senses such as smell and touch, senses that are relegated when the child spends a lot of time in front of the television or the computer.

Your child’s development is stimulated when he plays among flowers or in the sand. Smelling freshly cut grass and listening to birdsong are ways to help your child feel balanced and to show him wonderful ways to be in the world.

Being in a park offers you many possibilities to socialize with other children your age, which is especially beneficial for only children, because dealing with other children makes them more autonomous and sociable.

Children who play outdoors are much more likely to exercise or do some physical activity than those who stay indoors, so another advantage of doing activities in open spaces is that you help your child avoid the being overweight, a health problem that affects more children in the world every day.

Avoiding a sedentary lifestyle when practicing physical activities is also key to the emotional development of children, who by running on a clear sky -for example- helps them release endorphins, which improves their mood in general and also helps them sleep better thanks to the fatigue that your body has accumulated thanks to physical activity.

It is necessary to leave home

Although it is scientifically proven that playing outdoors is key to the emotional and physical development of children, infants who live in large cities – and who carry out complicated routines – have fewer and fewer opportunities to play in outdoor spaces. Which certainly are increasingly scarce in some capitals of the world.

However, if as parents you make an effort, you may well combine the activities you do at home with those outdoors, which helps you develop your abilities properly and also keep your body and mind in a healthy balance. and this can be achieved by spreading it properly.

Ideally, both babies and children spend at least one hour a day in open spaces, however according to world statistics, most children spend 90% of their lives indoors and also have less and less time to playing outside, which was not so much the case in their previous generation. What’s more, over the past 30 years, studies have shown that children have less and less time to play freely.

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