Is It Good To Wash Children’s Hair Every Day?

Bathing is one of the most important activities in a child’s daily routine. Hair care will depend on the rhythm of life and activities of each child, although professionals question the convenience of washing it every day.
Is it good to wash children's hair every day?

There are many myths about whether or not it is good to wash children’s hair every day.   Endless doubts revolve around whether it influences its growth or decline. We dive into this topic to see how true the speculations are.

Hair washing will depend on how active the child is,  his recreational activities, and the type of skin he has. For example: an athlete, a paint artist, clay or clay, may need a daily head wash.

Also, some children’s sweat is stronger. This can make their heads itch or make them think they have lice or nits, and that makes them very uncomfortable.

On the other hand, a factor that influences hair washes is the age of the infant. Babies do not need to be subjected to such complete baths; their skin is very delicate and we can cause dermatitis or dryness.

In school age, on the other hand, showers that include hair washing will depend on the child’s dirt levels.

Is it advisable to wash children’s hair every day?

However, if you visit a dermatologist, they will surely tell you that it is not necessary to wash children’s hair every day. They always recommend washing it three times a week, for 3 minutes, massaging the scalp and with warm water.

To do this, a shampoo with a neutral pH is the most indicated. This type of product prevents skin and eyes from being irritated, minimizing many discomforts.

Meanwhile, the use of conditioner is optional. This is designed for the hydration of dry or damaged hair; it also helps to untangle it easily.

After the age of 12, children will need to wash their hair more frequently as they enter the pre-adolescent stage. This is when hormones make their appearance; they begin to secrete more grease than usual and, therefore, a bad smell and dirt appear.

Happy hour, bath time

Many little ones don’t like bath time. This can be caused by a number of reasons:

  • Parents leave them alone in the shower from a very young age.
  • They don’t like the temperature of the water.
  • Bath soap or shampoo causes itching  or other allergic sensations.
If you visit a dermatologist, they will surely tell you that it is not necessary to wash children's hair every day.

To prevent the little one from taking a bathroom phobia, it is necessary to create a fun environment for this moment of hygiene. They can be allowed to bathe with a toy, preferably one that is waterproof.

It is also possible to read or make up stories. Everything is valid to create a fun shower and implement hygiene habits that will accompany you throughout your life.

How to maintain long hair in children?

From the age of 6, boys and girls begin to worry and want to decide about their body, clothing and other aspects of their appearance. One of the most prominent is hair; they probably want the trendy cut or hairstyle or want to wear it long.

If it has been decided to let the infant grow his hair a little, the care that this implies is much greater than usual. Here are some practical recommendations:

  • It should be washed one day in between.
  • Use a good children’s shampoo and conditioner.
  • Use lukewarm water to keep the follicles in good condition.
  • Comb constantly, when washing it and when it is dry.
  • Cut the ends frequently.

Precautions for a dream child hair

If you have decided to pay more attention to the care of your little ones’ hair, you should  take a look at what you should  do to achieve an ideal hair; we leave you some suggestions: 

Do not sleep with wet hair

This is essential. If the infant washed their hair at night, it is recommended that they dry it before going to sleep.

Wet hair has bacteria obtained from the towel; the pillow absorbs them and can cause infections. Additionally, itching, dryness, and dandruff can occur.

Pigtails or braids

When the hair is wet, we must avoid tying it with pigtails or making braids.  In this way, it rots, marks and then breaks.

Critically evaluates the need to wash children's hair every day;  do it if it is definitely a must.

Have a good diet

For the little ones in the house, it is vital to eat properly to stimulate proper hair growth. For this to happen, it is necessary to have the following foods: eggs, cheese and yogurt, whole wheat bread, sardines, avocado, banana, tomato and walnuts.

All these recommendations will help the child to have a healthy, clean and strong scalp, to grow optimal hair.

Also, remember to look for quality products, with good levels of hydration and specially directed for the delicate hair of children. Finally, it judges the need to wash children’s hair every day; do it if it is definitely a must.

How to care for children's hair

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