Games To Teach Spelling To Children

Games to teach children spelling with which they will learn and have fun at the same time.
Games to teach children spelling

Using games to teach children spelling is a great idea, as they have fun while learning. In addition, games have other benefits: they improve teamwork, communication, memory and logic.

There are many game options to teach spelling to children. We can choose depending on the purpose, the number of players or the spelling aspect that we want to review.

The best thing is that these games can be played at school or at home and everyone can participate. The most important thing is that they have fun to absorb the knowledge in a natural way. After all, children learn by exploring their environment.

Examples of games to teach children spelling

There are different types of memory (linguistic, visual, etc.) and games help to develop them. This factor is of special importance, since later they will be part of the study techniques of the children.

You will find many games to teach spelling (the limit is set by your imagination), but here we bring some of the most interesting proposals.


Think of a spelling rule and give it only to one player to think of a word that follows the rule. The rest of the players will have to guess the word and the spelling rule that follows.

It sounds like a simple game, but everything requires your technique. The little ones will have to associate the name of the letter with its spelling, a simple way to correct speculative writing or dyslexia. Meanwhile, the older ones will focus on remembering the spelling rules to discover the hidden word.

Games to teach spelling to children.

Alphabet soup

Finding words written in the alphabet soup is easy, but what if there were only pictures? Maybe it is not so easy to differentiate bouncing from voting .

To complete this game, they will have to find the word that corresponds to each image in the alphabet soup and write it next to it. Homophone words will be your greatest difficulty. Also, if it’s easy for you, you can use definitions or examples instead of the pictures.

Find the mistakes

Do you want children to be the Sherlock Holmes of spelling and not miss a thing? This is a tricky activity and sometimes they get a little lazy, so setting is key.

  1. Make up a detective story that immerses them in the activity. For example, a thief has left messages full of spelling mistakes and they have to find them all to catch him and get the loot back.
  2. Use a bit of props to encourage creativity through acting. Give them some magnifying glasses and flashlights to search for hidden messages and mistakes.
  3. The reward. Depending on how they have done it, they will have a medal with the spelling level of Sherlock, Watson or detective.

Card games

They stimulate visual memory and association. If we talk about card games, there are many possibilities and they can be easily adapted according to the level.

On the one hand, we have the famous flashcards . These are flashcards, and each of them can contain a word, a picture or a concept. You can write a spelling rule for them to tell you examples or words for them to spell.

On the other hand, we have the couples games. Who has not played to find the pairs? Children can match homophones, each word with its picture, or an example with a spelling standard. If you want to complicate it even more, take advantage of the words that change according to the accent. Will they differentiate “river” from “river”?

Games to teach spelling to children.

Interactive or traditional games to teach spelling?

All these games to teach spelling to children have their interactive version. In addition, they usually have different levels of difficulty and are divided into categories according to the spelling rules.

On the other hand, if you opt for the traditional version of the games, you will also foster children’s creativity and communication. Why? Very simple: they have to create their own game and determine the rules by which they are going to play. And,  if they play as a team, the skills will multiply.

What is the best of all? That in both cases develop and manage competitive and knowledge while having fun with spelling.

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