Vaiana: The Ideal Movie To Enjoy With The Family

Vaiana: the ideal movie to enjoy with the family

If you want to share an unbeatable moment with your children, you cannot miss Moana ,  a Disney film that reached the billboards of the world to invite the whole family to live a unique experience that will teach them, between laughter and reflections, the true value of love and family unity.

This film is about the story of a young adventurer who receives the help of a demigod named Maui, to face an ambitious mission: save his people . This story takes place in the lands of the ancient islands of Oceania, where Vaiana dreams of fulfilling a search that her ancestors undertook.

This film is known as Vaiana and in other countries such as in Latin America it is known by the name of Moana

Vaiana shows that to face a challenge you have to be brave

The perseverance and confidence  of this teenager will become an inspiration for our little ones , who will see in the eyes of this cartoon a true heroine who will inspire them to fight to the end for their own goals, no matter the stumbling blocks that appear along the way.

We, as parents, We want our little ones to grow up with enough courage to face the challenges that life proposes . Therefore, we have the duty to teach them that there is no obstacle that is worth when we want to achieve something and, for that, we have to know how to listen to our heart and be sure of ourselves.

Moana, an exemplary character for the little ones

A large number of critics of the seventh art agreed that this film breaks with many Disney concepts, managing to create a totally inspiring new heroine. Even, some consider her to be the first feminist princess of this company , but beyond these qualifiers, Moana  it motivates us to have a fighting spirit.

The directors of this film, Ron Clements and John Musker, decided to show the protagonist as natural as possible, to highlight a beautiful message: beauty does not come from how we are physically, but from our personality . Therefore, they show her as she is, since she is a child.

She became the new Disney heroine

As part of parenting, we have to face ideals of beauty  that promote the media and the stereotypes that are being created in the minds of our children, so that they do not grow up with fear or complexes. So, we have to know how to tell them that the value of our essence is what makes us beautiful .

Besides this, highlights the importance of family unity , as part of our identity. Moana, as she is also known in other countries, is inspired to achieve a goal to honor those people who marked her past and fought in the middle of the ocean to honor them.

In this way, we adults learn that if we are a source of motivation for the little ones , they will be able to grow with a clear concept that all of us around them are important . Undoubtedly, this will allow them to reject more easily in the future what is not convenient for them.

As a consequence, will allow them to discover that the basis of love for others is born with the love they feel for themselves and this implies self-respect, self-acceptance and self-confidence . With these values ​​present in your heart, there will be no one capable of making you feel unable to achieve your dreams.

It is definitely worth sharing this movie in the company of your little ones and learning, in a different and fun way, that there is always an opportunity to be better in life .

Why isn’t Vaiana just for kids?

This incredible story will not only give a beautiful message to your children, but also to you. Therefore, we want to invite you to see it with these Five reasons that reveal why Vaina is not just another children’s movie and that will even help you change your way of thinking:

  • It will allow you to remember how important it is to overcome those fears  that you hide in your heart, so that you find the way to happiness .
  • It will motivate you to get that rebellious spirit that will drive you to achieve your goals.
  • Also  will drive you to stand firm and true to your loved ones .
  • You will feel motivated to find in them the inspiration you need to keep going.
  • And you will learn that Although one person cannot change the world on his own, he can achieve momentous changes .

Take some free time and dedicate them to your little ones and learn together with Vaiana , a heroic princess who will take you to the depths of the sea to fight for a dream.

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