5 Benefits Of Having Pets When You Have Children

Pets – especially dogs – can be very funny and special for the little ones in the house. In this article we will tell you all the benefits that this can bring for your family.
5 benefits of having pets when you have children

Having pets when you have children is something wonderful and full of advantages. A pet, whatever it is, brings its owners a lot of joy. But the advantages of having a pet at home when there are children go beyond pure fun.

Pets can increase children’s self-esteem, reduce stress for the entire family, and can help us teach children important lessons about love, responsibility, loyalty, and more. Below we see in more detail these benefits and advantages of having pets at home.

Having a pet teaches children the values

With a pet at home, even a young child can learn responsibility. Although it is the parents who must assume the most important part of the duties regarding the pet, children can also take on some responsibilities with easy tasks.

In addition, children will get a great example of the importance of being kind and gentle and what it means to raise and educate a more defenseless being. This will allow them to better appreciate and understand what their parents and educators do for them and they will learn the importance of obeying. They will also develop skills related to empathy and compassion.


Pets help increase self-esteem

Research shows that children who have pets at home have higher self-esteem. According to research, pets are for children companions who they receive affection, with whom they can talk and with whom they can play, which benefits their self-esteem.

In addition, when children have high self-esteem, they also show improvements in self-confidence, feel more secure and happy, and are more sociable. All of this allows them to be more active and motivated to move and exercise and play with their pet.

Pets help develop social skills

L hildren who have pets also show better control their impulses and improve their social skills with other children.  Children who grow up with pets have been shown to show better social skills and become more socially competent adults than children who have not had a pet.

On the other hand, according to recent research in France, young autistic children who had a pet from the age of five showed progress in their ability to share with others and comfort others.


Pets stimulate learning

Children often tell their dolls about the things they are learning and sometimes even adopt the role of teachers to teach them as if they were their students. When there are pets at home, this same game is much more interesting. Children often play at telling their pets what they have learned and even go to great lengths to try to teach them things.

Thanks to the feedback that pets offer, children can play many more things with them than with their dolls. Most children love to read to their pets or show them pictures in books, which stimulates their own curiosity.

Having a pet is health benefits for the whole family

Having a pet helps to strengthen the immune system. Experts say that children who grow up with pets are less likely to develop common allergies thanks to early exposure to certain bacteria. Some research shows that pet owners tend to get sick less often.

On the other hand, the act of stroking, cleaning and pampering the pet helps reduce stress levels for the whole family.   Additionally, dogs tend to follow human communicative cues, which can aid in emotional development. In addition, having a pet helps in times of sadness, since its presence offers company, a silent company with which to feel supported.

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