15 Tips To Control Fights Between Children

Fights between children are absolutely normal, although they generate the anguish of any parent. Why do they arise and how are they solved? Meet the 15 tips to control them.
15 tips to control fights between children

The fights between children are a challenge for any parent. Well, even having strategies to avoid those moments, they do not know how to prevent them from happening repeatedly.

“I didn’t start, he hit me first” , “Why can he and I can’t?” , are phrases that are repeated in these circumstances. If they are bored, whether it be the biggest portion or the best toy, any reason will be reason enough to fight.

Some parents manage to control the situation while others fail to bring order, which deeply frustrates them. This makes them question their role as educators of children, as well as sows a doubt: are these fights between children normal or are they a warning sign?

The truth is that we all wonder how to avoid these conflicts within our families. If the boys quarrel, calm down, it is totally normal and it is a part of their life learning. Therefore, here we give you 15 tips to control fights between children.


Why do my children fight?

The fights between children are usually only an important phase since they allow the child to affirm his identity before his siblings. If the boy gets angry, yells, recriminates, and expresses what he does not want, he is making himself heard in the family and, therefore, he exists.

In addition, infants often clash for the love and attention of parents, as well as seeking to test their limits and those of other family members.

However, we must consider that if this stage is prolonged, these crosses will affect the self-esteem and autonomy of the boys, alter family harmony and influence the choice of their friends in the future.

But, pay attention! For this stage, which usually appears at 5 years of age, does not become a habit or a family custom that carries over into adulthood, parents must know how to control and establish clear rules and strict limits.


15 tips to control fights between children

The fights between children arise from the arrival of the first baby brother, who catches the attention of adults. The eldest achieves an autonomy interpreted as abandonment because of that rival who snatched his paternal love.

This confrontation increases as many things are shared: space, time and family. Each child wants to be noticed and feel like a protagonist, but must learn to negotiate and dialogue.

For this, the role of parents is fundamental. Under no circumstances do you  look for a culprit or scold them in an exaggerated way, you simply must take into account the following tips to control fights between children:

  1. Transmits respect and patience as fundamental values ​​for coexistence.
  2. Teach him to share and ask for things properly.
  3. Stimulates dialogue and conversation between siblings.
  4. Teach your children to express their feelings.
  5. Establish the consequences of breaking the rules.
  6. Divide love and time equally among your children.
  7. Avoid comparing your children.
  8. Stay away from labels (“the glutton,” “the answering machine,” etc.).
  9. He explains that he cannot do whatever he wants, even when he is angry.
  10. Teach him to admit his mistakes and to ask for forgiveness.
  11. Distract them, take them for walks and play outside.
  12. Be a good example, teaching them with your own attitude.
  13. Positively reinforce appropriate behaviors and negatively those that we want to modify.
  14. Facilitate an environment where positive interaction is present.
  15. Not acting as a referee and staying out of the conflict.

As you can see, controlling fights between children is a simple task, but it requires a lot of love and patience on the part of the parents, although these embarrassing situations can generally overwhelm us that stun us and seem incapable of being resolved.

Be calm, take a deep breath, and then act assertively and lovingly with your children. Remember that only in this way will you get the sweetest fruit: a home in total harmony, with happy children and truly fulfilled parents.

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