Grandparents Not Only Educate Grandchildren, They “grandchild”

Grandparents not only educate grandchildren, they "grandchild"

There are words that refer us to the earliest childhood. In some way, they designate the treasures of our childhood. It is that, with very little, we were truly rich. If you don’t believe it, try to think of the heroes who marked our happiest days: grandparents. Grandparents are in charge of making grandchildren happy, that’s why they not only educate them, but also “grandchild” them.

Of course, the grandparents have magic. Their role far exceeds raising grandchildren. For these brilliant souls it is no longer the time to educate but to enjoy. They are synonymous with complicity, containment, a lot of pampering and, above all, indulging in whims.

They say that grandparents do not raise their grandchildren, but “grandchild”. But what exactly does the neologism “grandmother” mean? Today we want to tell you precisely this, in addition to paying tribute to those dear people who filled us with life and left indelible marks on our hearts.

Grandparents do not raise grandchildren, they “grandfather” them

Grandparents simply look at their children’s children from the heart. Proudly, they observe the passage of time through their beloved grandchildren, for whom they feel a devotion and affection that they often find difficult to describe.

Grandparents not only raise grandchildren, they give them everything they know. They are sources of truth and wisdom that through their anecdotes tell us about justice, love and courage. They are capable of making personal experiences and stories that build identities available to the smallest.

Grandparents do not educate children, they "grandfather" them

Grandparents forge personalities, carving their grandchildren with tenderness and sweetness. They sculpt people with the chisel of patience, temperance and serenity. They breathe innocence and breathe love without measures. They unearth secrets and deliver confidentiality.

Grandmother” means singing with the utmost tenderness, dedication and dedication. But above all, listen carefully. Offer comfort and provide the best and most accurate advice. Give the encouragement that grandchildren often lack to cheer up and get ahead.

“Grandmothering” a grandchild is synonymous with loving him

“Grandmothering” the grandchildren implies, in turn, forgetting physical and even emotional ailments to free oneself in body and soul. The ultimate goal of the latter? Nothing more and nothing less than playing mischievously, becoming an accomplice and guide at the same time. Shorten age, generational and geographic distances.

Grandparents not only breed, they also grandparent. And this is more than evident when we observe that factor that makes them unique and special. Unforgettable, eternal in our mind. The unconditional and unstoppable love they feel for their grandchildren.

It is that grandparents are that “being in arms” that at one point our parents could not give us, the healing embrace, a physical touch at the right time. An indelible aroma that remains forever in our memory.

Grandparents are synonymous with quality time. Gifts, walks, sweets, adventures and much more. A tender look that illuminates our life. Today, perhaps they are a star on high, that star that illuminates our direction and watches over each of our steps.

Grandparents do not die, they eternalize in the heart

Grandparents are like magicians: even if they are not physically, they are always present in our lives. They have the gift of being more alive than ever in our memories. Because they may no longer hold our hands, but they will always be the ones in charge of holding our hearts.

Grandparents are a gift that falls from the sky

These great beings are eternalized in that seed that we planted together in the park and that today grows without ceasing, in the aroma of homemade food and in family trips. They live in the crafts that they offered us, in the trades that they transmitted to us but, above all, they live in those faded photos that give an account of everything we were and what we are.

The legacy of our grandparents is immortalized in our hearts over time. We owe a part of who we are to them. They were a vital part of our childhood and our education. And thanks to the fact that they sometimes “grandfather” us, they are also a fundamental part of our present and our future.

Children who grow up with grandparents are safer and happier

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