Agenda For When Multiples Come Home

Agenda for when multiples come home

Performing the tasks that are needed when multiples come home can lead to great chaos and confusion. It is for this reason that scheduling everything that must be done during the day will provide the relevant organization to provide adequate care and meet the needs of each of the babies.

It is important that you make an agenda for when multiples get home, as the first few days can be difficult to adjust ; Coping with home, partner, and family may be difficult at first, but in no time at all, parents can feel secure in getting all the tasks they have to complete.

Coming home with twins, triplets, or more may vary depending on how you went through labor, as  some of the babies may go out before or after medical care, due to prematurity or other circumstances.

One of the main difficulties for mothers of multiples is related to breastfeeding, which is often complicated due to the feeding requirements of each of the babies. This is a sensitive issue, since stress could decrease milk production and consequently affect breastfeeding.

Multiple families may feel more pressured and busy compared to mothers with a single baby as the work required to properly care for them is proportional to the number of babies.

Agenda to meet the needs of multiple


Due to their newborn and multiple conditions, babies can be very similar physically (there are many cases in which there are twins), so it is extremely important to find a mechanism to identify them with the naked eye and in this way facilitate the care that each requires.

Acquiring a support element such as: a notebook, agenda or acrylic board will facilitate the family with pending tasks, diaper changes or feeding time, verify what has already been done so as not to repeat it and keep the count of the hours of medications that the doctor has been able to prescribe, etc.

The organization of newborn clothes and cloth diapers should be careful, keeping in mind to divide them and place them in different places in the house to have them on hand quickly.

Agenda for visits

A birth of multiples can be curious and shocking for your family or social environment and  surely many will want to make visits to meet your little ones, bring them gifts or simply share with you and listen to the odd anecdote, but attend to several babies and visits to the at the same time it can be really cumbersome.

Planning a few days a week in short or reduced times so that friends and family can enjoy our babies is an event that must be scheduled. Newborn babies need a quiet place to enjoy their needs, they demand privacy and a lot of attention time.

You don’t have to worry about offering a limited time for visits; Your relatives and friends will understand the busy and beautiful situation that you are going through and they will be able to imagine very well that the babies, the couple and the home may be demanding a lot of time and attention.

Extra help, welcome!

Mothers of multiples need all the help possible:

  • If it is financially feasible, it is important to seek help from service personnel, babysitter, nurse or a person who can support you in difficult days  to serve as support in some tasks and cover you to get a few hours of sleep.
  • Household chores can be time consuming, so be sure to have the phone numbers  of family members or restaurants with home delivery service and plumbers on hand to cover any eventualities. This is essential information that must be recorded in the agenda.
  • The hours of sleep must be covered to perform every day and babies must eat every three hours. Organizing that babies eat at the same time so that later they rest together requires extra help, especially in the early mornings.

    Recommendations for when multiples come home


    It is very important that you organize yourself and reserve periods of time for important things like these:

    Spending time with your older children is very important when multiples come home.
    • You need to find time for yourself.
    • You must enjoy intimate time with your partner.
    Record or write down each of the things you did or have pending to do about your babies’ routines, for which you can use tools such as: calendars, telephone organizers and alarms.

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