Learn How To Protect Your Baby From The Sun

Learn how to protect your baby from the sun

Learning how to protect our baby from the sun is very important, since nowadays the number of cases of cancer and diseases related to exposure to ultraviolet rays has increased. Despite the importance of the sun for life, in most cases we must protect ourselves from it very seriously.

In cases of children under two years, care should be more intense, in fact, experts recommend that we avoid exposing babies to baths in swimming pools, beaches or places where they are under the sun for a long time. If it is absolutely necessary to expose them to the sun, it is recommended that it be for short periods and always protected with special clothing and sunscreen.

In recent times the intensity of UV radiation has increased, which is why an exclusive care of the skin and eyes of our babies is recommended. According to the opinion of specialists in dermatology, protection against the sun should be carried out even in winter, with greater attention in the summer because we are more exposed.


How to protect babies from the sun?

Dr. David Oschilewski, a dermatologist, affirms that from an early age we must protect the baby from the sun. At six months a child needs to be protected with mineral screens and from twenty-four months they can begin to use sunscreen.

It is advisable not to expose the little ones to the sun for a long time, because their skin is not very sensitive and allows direct passage of UV rays ; whenever we do, they must be protected with special clothing.

When children are over two years old, they can protect themselves by means of sunscreen, as these are not suitable for babies. However, it is not enough to put protectors like these on them, it is also advisable to briefly expose them and put on suitable clothing, which cover as much skin as possible.

In the case of children under one year old, it is not recommended that they be exposed to the sun ; however, this is largely not fully realized. Some experts assure that it is not necessary to be so extreme and that a baby with high protection can be exposed to the sun, but none have affirmed that it is good for them to receive radiation directly.

Therefore, prudent exposure to the sun is recommended, especially considering that certain benefits could be achieved through sunlight. In the case of the little ones, the exposure should be excessively brief, but not completely avoided according to the dermatologist Rodolfo Klein.

Cute baby girl playing with beach toys on tropical beach

General recommendations

Experts remain firm on the fact that the main recommendation is to take care of the sun. Avoid overexposure and minimize as much as possible the permanence under UV radiation, especially if we do not have adequate protection. To protect babies from the sun it is also recommended.

  • Children under one year of age should stay out of the sun most of the time
  • Avoid the use of sunscreens in children under twenty-four months, this to prevent the chemicals from being absorbed through the skin
  • In case of sun exposure, a maximum period of 15 minutes a day is recommended
  • Use mineral screens to go outside with the little ones, this should be done even in winter or when the sun is not so intense. Strollers, some coats, and bath accessories also feature these UV-filtering screens.
  • The exhibitions that are absolutely necessary, can be made especially before ten in the morning or after five in the afternoon ; always taking care of other factors such as drafts or cold
  • If we do use sunscreen, it is advisable to bathe it carefully to remove the product from the skin.
  • Specialists also advise protecting the eyes of babies, since the sun not only hurts the skin. Inappropriate, long-term exposure could cause retinal problems
  • When we go to the pool or the beach with the little ones, it is recommended to put swimsuits or shirts with a protective screen even when we are not planning to put them in the water. Solar radiation can pass through most of the filters that we use, so it is advisable to remain exposed to it for a short time.

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