Teach Your Child To Walk Safely On The Street

Teach your child to walk safely on the street

Sooner rather than later the little one who goes by your hand and carries you every time you have to cross a street, the one who plays in the park always under your supervision, will walk alone in the street. Although worried, you must give him the freedom to go alone through life. At that time,  you will have the task of alerting him to the threats that threaten him because it will be he, only he, who has to take care of himself when he is away from home.

Teach your child to ride safely on the street. By learning to identify the hazard, you will know how to take care of it.

Road safety rules that you should teach your child

Mom, in order for your child to be as safe as possible when he is on the street, you must teach him some rules. Among them, do not forget to tell him that:

Use the sidewalks

Sidewalks are spaces designed just for pedestrians and that is where you should always walk whenever you need to move.

Whenever he can, tell him to walk on the curb that goes against traffic, this way, he won’t have cars behind him. They will always come from the front.

This advice is essential to preserve your life. In the event that a car loses its brakes, the driver is under the effects of drugs, there is an accident or any other eventuality happens and the vehicles come over him, he will be able to see them without problems and run to save his life .

But even on the sidewalks your child must travel with caution, especially when he is going to pass a car park.

In such places, cars sometimes rush in or back up without noticing if someone is walking by.

Be careful when crossing the street

Warn your little one never to cross the street around corners. At the corners, cars can come from various directions.

Ask him to avoid running across. If you run, you can trip and fall, which increases the danger if a car comes at high speed and you do not see it lying on the ground.


Every time you have to cross a street, in addition to the direction from which the cars are coming, you should also look the other way, lest you be surprised by an unconscious driver who goes against the traffic.

Know and use the signs

It is essential to know the traffic light and what each color indicates.

Never trust

Warn your child not to rely on the traffic light alone in crosswalks. You must look at the road and watch for all cars.

Many drivers do not respect the laws and cross the pedestrian crossings without taking into account that people are waiting to cross the street.

If you are in the park or on a field of play and you miss a ball for the street, ask an adult for help. There will always be someone on the other side of the road to throw the ball at him.

Otherwise, put the exhilaration of the game aside, be a little calm and look both ways down the street, several times, before crossing it.

In confidence is the danger. Ideas like: “he is going to stop when he sees me”, “he gives me time”, or “I am the one who has the right”, are disastrous when walking on the road.

Neither he is going to stop because he is simply in a hurry or drunk, nor is he going to give your son time because the speed of the car is always greater than the race that his little feet can take. Even if your little one has the right, it is better to stay without the right and preserve life. For her sake, tell her this.


Don’t be reckless

Tell him not to hang behind cars to ride faster or be the “brave” of his group of friends. Also ask him to never get off the bus while it is still running.

Although listening to music is fun, going down the street with your ears “plugged” with headphones is extremely dangerous; Therefore, you should not forget to tell him to leave this hobby for when he is sitting in the park or is indoors.

Teach your child to walk safely on the street so that they continue to enjoy the happiness they have today.  

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