I Already Want To Be A Mom!

Here is a wonderful letter that perfectly portrays the emotions felt by a woman who is ready to be a mother.
I already want to be a mom!

Sometimes I touch my belly and sigh because I already dream of being a mother. I feel like I’m ready to love you.  Ready to hold you in my arms. I know with complete certainty.

Yes, I hope that you will soon be there to caress you, to begin to feel your skin through my skin, to listen to your heartbeat, to laugh full of joy when you kick with the strength that your life will have.

I already want to be a mom!

I’m lucky! Many children of my family have slept in my arms. I have snuggled them to my chest, I have veiled their dreams and I have seen them smile when they caress their pillows. I have seen how suddenly, after they have fallen asleep next to my heart, they look for their mother’s breast.

And I confess that I would take care of them a thousand times. Yes, I would take care of as many children as necessary but, deep down, I want to have mine. I want to have a child that springs from love and the illusion of the most beautiful things in life. Of that bet that we make for the future unconsciously.

I wish that, even if you are in other arms for a few moments, you return to mine again and again. In these arms that will never tire of receiving you, cradling you and protecting you from everything you need and more. I will always be there for you, unconditionally.

And yes, now that my life is filled with so much love, I look even more tenderly at the children and I wish with all the strength of my heart to be a mother.

I already want to be a mom.

I daydream about you, I want to feel your heat and your heartbeat, I want to touch my belly and know that you are there, I want to prepare hundreds of flowers for you to receive you. I want to be a mom with all that it implies, the good, the difficult, the human.

My son, your mom dreams of you

You are already beginning to be on my mind, my son. There are already some games where your dad and I started choosing your name. I already started dreaming about your mouth, your face, your hands, your eyes, your hair, your laugh and more.

Oh my son, I’m waiting for you from now on! I want to rock you in my arms, feel your breath close to my chest, warm you, smile when you see you, sing to you, read you and yes, I also want to cry with you, love.

Thinking of your crying makes me emotional, I can’t explain why. Maybe it’s because to me you are already the cutest creature in the world.

I know that I will cry when you cry my love, and if my cry relieves yours, then I will fill all the seas of the planet with tears so that you are happy.

I want to meet you

Oh my son, your dad and I have already talked a lot about you. Your dad and I want to give you the best and we try to be better people for you every day. To be your example, to love you every hour of the day and every day of our lives. You are already a desired and loved child.

I see your dad’s eyes and I see you my son. I see you laughing with us, playing with us, being happy. I’m sure you’ll be here soon, tucking your cold little feet under the covers, asking me to read you one more story, saying: Sing me another song!

Love of my life, I want you to know that this is a very special moment.  Now that my life is full of love, that your dad and I are ready to receive you and that no matter how long it takes you to arrive, I want to tell you that you have given me a great illusion.

Don’t worry, we will always be here for you. Whatever happens. Come to us my love.

What will it be like to be a mother?

No mother in the world can explain very well what it is like to be a mother. But, undoubtedly, it is a momentous experience.

Then I only have to ask myself:

  • What will it be like for me to be a mother?
  • What will I say, feel and think once you have come into my life?
be mom

Right now I think it must be the cutest thing in the world, just thinking about the warmth and softness of having such a small human being next to me. A baby! Tears of joy and sheer anticipation fill my eyes. How beautiful is life!

Being a mom must be the sweetest thing in the world. It should also be the most serious role that a woman has to face because she never gives up the task of being a mother  and, to be honest, I don’t think anyone wants to give up being one. Much less seeing those beautiful eyes, or hearing that sweet voice call you “mom.”

My son, I don’t know what it feels like to be a mother, maybe you don’t know very well what it feels like to be my son, we’ll be making our debut to each other. For my part, I already confess: I want to be your mom and I’ll wait for you here.

You're going to be a mom!

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