Advice From Teachers For The Training Of Your Children

Do not miss these tips from teachers since they are essential for the proper development of students.
Tips from teachers for the training of your children

Receiving advice from teachers when we are parents can enrich our experience at home in many ways. It never hurts to hear the opinion of a person who is used to dealing with hundreds of different children and who can help you see the situations you live at home in a different way. Take into account these recommendations that many teachers give to properly handle certain situations with your children.

Tips from teachers for raising your children

To promote independence

With these teacher tips, your children will be able to promote their own independence:

  • Avoid underestimating them.  Although you should not make the mistake of pressuring them to do what is expected of them, you should not put limits on their abilities either; You may be surprised by how much they can do with the right stimuli.
  • Give them small tasks according to their age.  On many occasions it is easier to do something for your children than to teach them how to do it, but it is more profitable for their lives to take the time to teach them things that will be useful forever.
  • Appreciate your efforts and good results. Many times we ask children to do something and then we do it again ourselves. If he dresses himself or makes the bed, even if it is not perfect, value what they have done; This will give them an extra bit of motivation.
Stock Photo by Sean Locke
Stock Photo by Sean Locke
  • Let them solve simple problems. When you see, for example, that your child is reaching for a toy, let him find a way to do it instead of immediately reaching for it. By solving situations that force them to think of a solution, they will feel the satisfaction of success and autonomy.
  • Assign them tasks. From their first years of life, children must prepare themselves to assume responsibilities commensurate with their age. Ask them to take out their dirty clothes, water the plants, tidy up their toys, or dress themselves. These simple activities make them feel committed and important in the family.

To stimulate cooperation with teacher councils

These teacher tips are necessary in order to stimulate cooperation between students:

  • Create stable routines. When children know what to do and what is expected of them, they are more likely to collaborate with their behaviors. By having clear routines, they will know what you expect them to do at home as part of the family. The more consistent you are, the greater the degree of cooperation.
  • Make activities enjoyable. Especially when there is opposition from the children, make them see the activities of the home in a pleasant and playful way. Play is the best way to reach your children.
  • Use small reward systems. Just like in school, you can use a stimulus box with stickers of happy faces to reward them for a good deed. Use this strategy sparingly so they learn that they won’t always be rewarded for fulfilling their responsibilities.
  • Encourage teamwork. Especially during the preschool years, it is difficult to get your children out of the egocentric stage or working as a team. Teach them to share their toys with siblings and friends and to see that things always work out better when they are made in the company of others.

To improve discipline, do not miss these tips from teachers

If you want your children to improve in discipline, you cannot miss these tips:

  • Focus your attention. Before calling out to your young child, suggest different actions such as drawing a picture or putting together a puzzle. If you redirect their energy spontaneously, you can get good results without using penalties or timeouts.
  • Help him recognize inappropriate behavior. It is easy for you to recognize behaviors that are not acceptable, but as children mature, they do not detect them so easily. Explain to them in detail what actions are not allowed, explain why and let them know the consequences.
  • Don’t put off corrections. When there is behavior that requires a call for attention, do not ignore it or leave it for another time. Corrections must be taken at the same time the action appears. It is not appropriate to wait until another time to correct them because children may forget exactly what they have done.

    Remember that life at home does not have to be chaos when you have one or more children. Identify the solutions that work best to harmonize the coexistence of your whole family and give the necessary importance to each of the members that make it up. Apply different strategies and choose the ones that offer you the best results to live better.

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