Affection, The Solution To Various Problems

Affection, the solution to various problems

Did you know that affection can be the solution to various family problems? Well, showing affection to children has become a fundamental ingredient during upbringing. With this basic and genuine element you can make your daily life flow normally.

Of course, a life without problems is like a pregnancy without a belly. Well, conflicts will necessarily knock on your door during motherhood. However, if you have given the necessary love to your children, you will see that any setback can be solved quickly and effectively, and always with respect.

The importance of affection in childhood

When a minor does not feel loved, they perceive themselves as unimportant and excluded. Thus, feeling outside the warmth of home, the boy ends up disconnecting from the family bosom. It is at this point where problems begin to appear, or worsen without being able to reach an understanding.

Parents we have assumed: we love our children with all our hearts. However, it is not enough just to feel how this pure feeling overwhelms us. The most important thing about experiencing it is precisely to demonstrate it, to externalize it, so that the child feels it.


We assume that we constantly demonstrate what we feel for children. However, we are wrong. Don’t keep any of those simple but important samples. Join his broken parts with a healing hug, shout to the world your secret of love and stay by his side when he most needs it.

It is precisely the lack of these small great gestures that account for maternal affection that leads to bad behavior. The problem worsens when the minor grows up and gains autonomy and independence: he moves away due to the weakness of the bonds of love that should unite mother and child in an immaculate bond.

Remember: affection is the dynamite capable of breaking down those walls that, otherwise, you will never be able to destroy. Thus, the affection that you manage to show during your child’s childhood will make a difference in his adolescent life.

For this reason, invest in the bag of love since you were a child, because only then will you be able to walk with your child that hard path that involves ceasing to be a child and becoming an adult. Tie as never the bonds of union through affection, in the future you will understand its great importance.

Provide affection, without hiding our own feelings

The important thing about motherhood is to gain, during the upbringing of the baby, her trust and never lose it because recovering it can be complicated. That is why it is very important to consider some details that make up the day to day of each mother.


In the first instance, when you call the attention of the little one for a mistake, take care of the tone and the words you use. Address the infant always with respect, love, patience and calm. This does not imply turning a blind eye.

On the contrary, it means that you act by letting go of anger, fear and anger. Under no circumstances is it to hide your own feelings. Believe it, nothing better than speaking the language of the heart always connecting with the look.

Well, you don’t have to think about it too much: kids who are shown affection are more self-confident. It is this same security that will stimulate them to learn during their childhood. It is not for less, they learn while they grow, so the greater the motivation, the faster they will learn.

Showing affection is easy. For example, something as simple as showing appreciation can be an infallible and invaluable tool for the future. That you have nothing to thank your son for? So, stop for a few minutes to reflect.

Doesn’t he give you endless moments as unique as they are beautiful every day? What are they but those smiles and laughter that make your day musical? How much is that pure and unconditional love that colors each of your days worth?

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