Being A Mother Connects You With Your Inner Child

Being a mother inevitably reminds you of your own experience as a daughter. If you still have unfinished business at that stage, this may prevent you from maternity leave.
Being a mother connects you with your inner child

Inevitably, being a mother prompts you to be more responsible and mature, as another life depends entirely on you. However, it also allows you to reflect yourself in some way in your children, in their innocence, their purity and their vulnerability. This is how motherhood connects you with your inner child and makes you aware of aspects that you may have overlooked for years.

Giving life to another human being and contributing to their development is a truly mobilizing experience. Emotions then acquire an unusual intensity and states never before known are experienced.

In many ways, it leads you to remember the girl you once were and what you felt at that early stage in your life. If you take advantage of the opportunity that motherhood offers you, you will be able to reconcile yourself with many issues from your past.

Mom with her baby in the mountains.

Being a mother connects you with your inner child

This concept that may sound too philosophical is something simple that every mother experiences in her day to day life. There are many ways in which we connect, without knowing it, with our inner child. An inner girl that is nothing more than our memories, our positive and negative experiences, the emotions that we experience and they were engraved on us. To keep it simple, let’s look at some of the most common conditions.

You connect with your models

By becoming a mother, you connect with the memory of your own parents, with the model that they represent. This is something natural and happens many times even before the birth of your little one. From the moment a woman considers the idea of ​​motherhood, her main role models influence her thoughts.

Many women, if they had a splendid and happy childhood, fear being mothers for fear of not living up to the father figures with whom they are compared. Or, conversely, these memories may lead you to believe that they themselves will be able to provide an equally wonderful experience for your children.

On the other hand, those who had inadequate, abusive or absent father figures may also feel fear or rejection towards motherhood. In this case, there is a fear of not knowing how to act as a mother, as she did not have appropriate role models in her own childhood.

Or, again, the reverse may be true. Many women who grew up in unhealthy environments and families feel that this enabled them to realize the importance of motherhood and that they will do an excellent job learning from the mistakes of those who came before them.

You connect with your own upbringing

Also, being a mother connects you to the way you were raised yourself. This is something logical, since faced with a new challenge such as motherhood, we turn to what we already know about it; in this case, our own experience as children.

In some cases it is chosen to deliberately emulate or repeat the behaviors and parenting style that we receive, if we consider that this was appropriate.

Mother playing with her baby and bringing out her inner child.

At other times, we try by all means to avoid looking like our parents, if we consider that we were harmed in some way. But even in the latter case, many times we see ourselves repeating the phrases and the parental and maternal reactions that we swear never to apply.

The reality is that until we become aware of the influence that our past exerts, we will not be free to breastfeed. Loyalties, grudges, and hurts will guide our steps and determine the way we raise our children.

Connect with your inner child to heal

Thus, it is necessary that you take time to recall your own history, order the experiences and bring out the emotions. Find out what you feel towards your parents, what you think of your childhood, what emotions the memory of your family awakens in you. Be honest and connect with your inner child: what did she lack? What did she feel? What were her fears? Once you’ve identified it, give yourself everything that you felt you missed years ago.

In this way, you take care of your own wounds and deficiencies, heal them and you free yourself. In this way, you allow yourself to be the mother you want to be, without being conditioned by your own past. Take this opportunity to reconnect with who you were, reconcile with your past and leave it where it should be.

Wake up your inner child and have fun with your children

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