Benefits Of Games In Adolescence

Games in adolescence are key to the personal development of young people and bring innumerable benefits. We review them below.
Benefits of games in adolescence

The benefits of games in adolescence are numerous. Among other things, they allow young people to learn and have fun, while using games as a means to distract themselves and grow on a personal level.

Certainly, the games most desired by adolescents are those that present challenges and challenges for the mind. Examples of this can be strategy, board or word games.

However, you should keep in mind that the game can also bring negative aspects. Among other things, it can cause addiction or cause adolescents to lose interest in other more educational activities, and even change their behavior. For this reason, parents must control the games of their teenage children and the reactions to victory and defeat that they provoke in them.

The game is, really, a privileged instrument to allow the development of a positive attitude that can accompany the adolescent throughout his life. Combining pleasure, involvement, creativity and experience, it represents a source of learning because, naturally, it contributes to the development of abilities.

In this sense, a study considers that play is essential in the stages of physical, emotional and intellectual development, especially in adolescence. It is because it is at this stage when physical, mental, emotional, rational and affective capacities and abilities are developed and strengthened.

Benefits of games in adolescence

In order to understand its importance, here are some benefits of games in adolescence:

1. They develop skills and qualities

The first of the benefits of games in adolescence is that they develop capacities and qualities in young people. This means that, depending on the type of game, it can favor the development of abilities such as understanding instructions, memorizing, structuring action, anticipating and developing strategies.

Early adolescence can create new feelings and emotions in children.

In addition, playing also allows you to learn to accept mistakes.  For most teenagers, defeat in the game serves to learn to discover that failure is part of the human experience and that the world does not collapse when it happens.

2. Expand social relationships

One of the strengths of games is that they are made to be shared. And it is that the game in parallel allows the observation of the others and the development of strategies to interact. There are even associative games that go beyond allowing the development of social skills.

However, without any doubt, the game builds strong bonds of friendship with very positive values.  In a moment of developing relationships between equals, sharing tastes allows young people to expand their circles of friends.

3. They learn values

On the other hand, the game is a source of learning and development of values ​​such as respect, justice, open-mindedness, solidarity and tolerance. In addition, it makes it possible to develop personal and social skills at the service of cooperation.

In fact, adults need to teach children and adolescents values ​​such as cooperation and teamwork, but also concepts such as the importance of respect for oneself, others and the environment. Many of these concepts are present in the game.

4. Encourage imagination and creativity

Fifth, the game allows young people to be active and creative, in addition to learning from mistakes and going beyond their limits, both physically and mentally.

In fact, games in adolescence are an excellent tool for fostering the imagination and creativity of young people;  many of them require imaginative and creative skills to overcome obstacles. In this way, they learn how to incorporate this type of creative thinking into their lives.

Paintball for children can be practiced from 14 years of age.

5. Strengthens self-esteem

Finally, you must bear in mind that the game combines pleasure, involvement and experience. Therefore, it is a source of learning that contributes to the development of the individual and their personal skills.

In the same way, it offers the chance to build, make decisions and assume responsibilities. All this reinforces the self-esteem of adolescents, at a time when they must manage their weapons and make decisions. Victories, and even defeats, will reinforce teens’ self-esteem.

Finally, remember that interest in gambling should never be disproportionate and does not imply stopping doing other types of activities completely, such as studying or spending time with the family.

The same happens if you observe aggressive reactions to the game; In such cases, you should stop your adolescent’s activity immediately. Adolescents must understand that there is time for everything and that gambling, in a regulated way, brings countless benefits.

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