Children’s Books To Put Shyness Aside

Shyness is one of the most important aspects to work on in childhood so that children can overcome their fears.
Children's books to put shyness aside

Working on security and self-confidence from a young age is very important to overcome the feelings of insecurity that shyness produces.

In this regard, the teaching of parents and educators is key, since they are the ones who must help the little ones to overcome their fears and teach them to develop social skills from childhood.

In addition to these teachings, there are tools that will help children to be aware of their insecurities and, therefore, to change them. We are talking about children’s literature, where we can find stories with children similar to them with their same fears and who overcome all their difficulties.

Children understand these stories very well and help them, because they always want to act as the protagonist of them. For this reason, below we leave you a series of children’s books to put shyness aside and overcome all their insecurities.

Shy and introverted boy hiding behind a tree who should read some children's books to put shyness aside.

Children’s books to stop shyness

Carlota doesn’t say a peep

As the title of the book indicates, Carlota never speaks. The protagonist of the book always communicates through gestures and looks  with her surroundings. You don’t even need to open your mouth to release a syllable.

However, one day playing with his mouse, he will be locked in the pantry. This would not be a problem for any child, since with his screams everyone would hear him immediately. On the contrary, it is a serious problem for Carlota. How will you get out of there without using your words and your voice?

A fantastic book with a message for the little ones that shows them the importance of always having to express themselves in any situation so that others understand them.

Very linked to shyness is also the feeling of loneliness, present, in the same way, in the story of the book since, if Carlota does not speak, how does she relate to the other children? Recommended, therefore, for children from four years old, because just by looking at the illustrations so characteristic, the little ones will be able to follow the story.

Mimi Tomatito

The fun and expressive illustrations in this story will delight young and old alike. Through them, we will meet Mimí, better known as Mimí Tomatito since every time someone says her name, she begins to blush with shame. 

Mimí’s story takes place at her school, in which the protagonist does not speak to anyone because of her shyness and shame. However, the most serious problem occurs when Mimi has the duty to recite a poem in front of her entire class.

When the time comes, Mimi begins to turn red from the embarrassment that causes her to be in front of all her companions and, consequently, all of them begin to make fun of her.

The teacher is aware of the situation and begins to scold the whole class, so now her classmates are the ones who are red as tomatoes. This relieves Mimi a lot, who in seconds is removed from shyness by feeling the same as others.

Boy very shyly hugged his mother.

A highly recommended story to read both at home and in the classroom, as the publishing house Bruño has wanted to show in its pages a very realistic story that happens very often in schools and that children have to deal with.

Shy , one of the best children’s books to stop shyness

A fantastic illustrated album to show the little ones that shyness is very common and also show them the possibility of overcoming it. In addition to the beautiful illustrations, the protagonists of the book are animals, a fact that will attract a lot of children’s attention.

Recommended for over three years, through its pages you can learn the story of a giraffe, which is very shy and spends its days hidden between the pages of books.

Despite being fascinated by the worlds he knows through the stories he reads, he does not dare to go out into the real world to meet it because of the fears of discovering everything that is around him.

As the story progresses, with a simple text and a language very close to children, they will know what shyness is and how to overcome it. Without a doubt it is one of the most beautiful and useful children’s books to leave shyness next to it to manage this series of feelings that occur.

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