Eating Dates In Pregnancy Improves Labor, According To Science

Do you want to know how to achieve an easier natural birth? Consuming dates during the last 4 weeks of pregnancy can be a good option.
Eating dates in pregnancy improves labor, according to science

Consuming dates during pregnancy can be a beneficial strategy to facilitate delivery. Some recent research has managed to find an association between the intake of 6 of these fruits daily and a reduction in the need for induction of labor.

It must be taken into account that avoiding complications during childbirth is essential to improve the mother’s well-being. The positioning of the fetus and other factors will influence, but a good diet can condition that the delivery occurs naturally and in a simple way.

Nutritional properties of dates

Dates are fruits that stand out mainly for their content of simple sugars. In fact, they are often used to sweeten culinary preparations, forming a paste with them or adding them in small pieces. In addition, they have essential micronutrients inside, among which magnesium and potassium stand out.

Date crackers to eat in pregnancy.

Magnesium has properties when it comes to improving relaxation, helping to reduce anxiety states. In fact, a high consumption of it is associated with less cramps in the legs of pregnant women. Also, these vegetables concentrate some B vitamins and fiber.

They even have a significant ration of iron, key to avoiding chronic pathological situations such as anemia. Of course, it is iron of plant origin, so its administration with vitamin C is recommended to enhance absorption.

However, it should be noted that its presence in the diet must be controlled, since dates have a high energy value. If ingested in excess, metabolic pathologies could develop, given their high concentration of sugar. In the case of gestational diabetes, this nutritional strategy can be ruled out.

Benefits of dates for childbirth

According to a study published in the Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology , consuming 6 dates a day for 4 weeks before the estimated date of delivery facilitates natural childbirth. Cervical dilation improves compared to women who do not consume these fruits.

In addition, the spontaneous delivery rate increases significantly in the group of women who consume dates. This is due to increased oxytocin production, among other things. In addition, there is a shorter first stage of labor, which facilitates the expulsion of the fetus and reduces the risk of complications.

Other positive effects of dates in pregnancy

Consuming dates not only improves labor, but is also positive for reducing the risk of constipation during pregnancy. It should be taken into account that fiber improves the transit of the fecal bolus, according to a study published in the journal Nutrients .

In addition, fiber is able to stimulate the growth of bacteria in the intestine, which is associated with better health. Ensuring diversity and density in the intestinal microbiota generates a certain protection against the development of metabolic pathologies, such as diabetes. This is evidenced by a study published in EBioMedicine .

However, and as we have already mentioned, it is not advisable to abuse dates, since they have simple sugars that could negatively impact blood glucose levels. In the case of suffering from gestational diabetes, it is necessary to first consult with the specialist. In women without pathologies, it is important not to exceed the dose studied to facilitate delivery.

Toast with date cream.

Eating dates during pregnancy improves labor

As you have seen, science supports the consumption of dates during the last weeks of pregnancy to achieve an easier natural delivery. However, the physiology of the process is not entirely clear. It is an observational study that supports this dietary strategy.

It is believed that the key could be in the increased production of oxytocin, although it is not known for sure how dates impact on it. What is clear is that they improve the ease of cervical dilation, which facilitates the delivery process.

On the other hand, it should be remembered that dates are energy foods with a high content of micronutrients. They are a good source of minerals, so they help prevent deficiencies that develop chronic pathologies in the medium term. They can be consumed alone, although it is also possible to incorporate them into different recipes.

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