Educate To Promote Personal Hygiene In Adolescents

Good personal hygiene is essential to maintain our health. In this article, we will talk about the habits that should be promoted so that adolescents have proper personal hygiene.
Educate to promote personal hygiene in adolescents

Educating to promote personal hygiene in adolescents is essential. This is so because it is a stage in which various changes are experienced, both physical and hormonal, in relation to which it is very important to maintain a correct cleaning and care of the body.

What is personal hygiene and what does it consist of?

Personal hygiene refers to a set of measures that try to prevent the appearance of diseases and infections. These measures include actions and habits to maintain the care and cleanliness of the body, as well as to maintain a good appearance and aesthetics.

Young people, due to their hormonal changes, must be more attentive to their personal hygiene ; they are more likely to sweat more and have a stronger odor. They can sometimes have bad breath, since they eat badly, drink or smoke. Some even have a more relaxed appearance, with dirtier and oilier hair in some areas of their face.

Teen boy rinsing off after brushing his teeth and using proper personal hygiene.

Thus, educating to promote personal hygiene in adolescents consists of the formation of personal hygiene habits. Habits that allow young people to maintain good health and, in addition, a good appearance that has a positive impact on a personal and psychological level, as well as on their social relationships.

Educating to promote personal hygiene in adolescents: developing habits

A habit refers to a common practice. And, as we have said, you  have to work both at home and at school on the development of habits to maintain good hygiene and body care. Thus, the habits to develop in this regard should be:

  • Showering every day and, above all, on days when sports are practiced, focusing on the areas most prone to sweating such as feet and armpits. Likewise, we must not lose sight of the importance of keeping these areas very dry to avoid fungi or other infections.
  • Brush your teeth well, when getting up and going to bed, and after every meal. Young people need to be aware of the importance of good oral hygiene at this stage.
  • Avoid bad odors in feet and armpits. In addition to the daily shower, it is important to use quality cosmetic products, deodorants and perfumes that keep these areas of the body clean and smelling good.
    Teen boy shaving.
  • Keep the intimate, genital areas, well clean. Especially girls, when they are on menstruation days, should take extreme care of hygiene and cleanliness.
  • Change intimate clothing such as panties, briefs and socks daily. It is very important to always wear underwear that is clean and made with appropriate fabrics, such as cotton.
  • Wash your face and ears every morning and before going to bed  with a good neutral soap. In young people this is very important to keep the so-hated pimples produced by acne characteristic of this stage at bay.
  • Maintain proper cleaning of hands and nails. Throughout the day, there are many objects that we touch, so it is necessary to wash your hands every so often and, above all, before eating, thus avoiding bacteria and germs.

    Our environment is also part of our personal hygiene

    Maintaining good personal hygiene is not limited only to the care and hygiene of our body. But it is also related to the care and cleaning of our closest environment and,  in the case of adolescents, we refer to the cleanliness and care of their room.

    It is important to teach young people to keep their rooms neat and curious. This means that they keep their rooms well ventilated, their belongings neatly arranged, and that they change their sheets regularly. All this will help them to achieve a clean environment, consistent with their body hygiene, where they can rest properly, but also be and feel at ease.

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