Emocionatest, The App That Allows Knowing Children’s Emotions

Emocionatest, the app that allows knowing children's emotions

Emocionatest is the application that has come to revolutionize the world of the little ones. Well, this new app makes it possible to know children’s emotions. At the same time, educational entities currently have excellent tools to measure knowledge.

However, what is usually neglected voluntarily or due to lack of methods is precisely the emotional aspect. Although these factors are set aside, they are just as important as learning rates.

This useful tool was developed by researchers from the Universitat Jaume I. It is capable of detecting certain complications, such as autism. Fortunately, Emocionatest is available for mobile devices, tablets and computers.

Emocionatest and a finding in the matter of emotions

The central idea of ​​this new discovery is to work on children whose age ranges between 3 and 12 years. The last purpose is nothing more than to keep a strict control of the emotions experienced by the little ones.


In this way, this application tries to identify and manage all kinds of emotional problems and even eventual anomalies. Best of all, the child does not perceive the experience as a mere exam but as an element of leisure and fun.

Between laughs and smiles, this app has the invaluable power to detect, evaluate and treat the emotional competence of each child. However, not everything comes down to the intention pursued or the achievements obtained. Well, the content and the ways in which it is presented make it a proposal that is as rich as it is enriching.

It is not for less if we consider that, to attract the attention of children, it is presented with a well-managed video game format. In truth, it is very striking and attractive for any little one. An invitation to try it and take advantage of its benefits!

Right there, there are five different levels of difficulty in which the child must be able to recognize and construct a series of everyday situations and link them to the consequent facial expressions. Now, how is it possible to know if he really identifies emotions?

Emocionatest, endless benefits

Without a doubt, Emocionatest represents endless benefits. Although it is true that this app has a platform that appears to be a simple video game, it has the ability to hide a series of hidden signs that can detect problems of various kinds.

Thus, according to the choices that the child is making, a lot can be known. Interaction with the platform provides extremely useful information regarding your emotional abilities.

It is also very important not only to know how many emotions children can correctly identify. In this case, there are also errors and the options with which this confusion is usually generated. This, of course, makes working with the child considerably easier.


In this way, with Emocionatest it is possible to abandon consultations with specialists and the various tests in which they feel pressured. Instead, the child evaluated in this way feels entertained, relaxed, and thus acts naturally.

The importance of this application is that it can also detect different disorders. Autism, Asperger’s Syndrome, attention deficit, hyperactivity and language disorders are just some of them. What an importance this platform!

For this reason, it is currently being installed in schools, special centers and health institutes. Even implementing it in your own home can yield vitally important results for your child.

What do you think of this tool that technology offers us? Would you be willing to try it? If you haven’t downloaded the app yet, what are you waiting for to learn more about your child?

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