Finland Shares Their Idea To Defeat Bullying

Finland shares their idea to defeat bullying

Bullying is a global problem; hopefully in some places they have been able to cope with it through various practices. In Finland, for example, they have managed to reduce bullying through the KiVa program, an idea that they now share with the whole world because it has produced optimal results in their schools.

The program as such stands out because it has wanted to carry out actions beyond the harassed or the harasser, for its proposal the main concern is harassment as such. To combat bullying, the system wanted to involve a global project that was commissioned to researchers at the University of Turku, specialists in children’s behavior.

To strengthen the anti-bullying program , the role of bullying witnesses was considered, who belong to the entire school community and largely support in silence without being bullying or harassed. In general, the rest of the school population is a silent accomplice, something that is as worrying as the event itself. Sadly, the situation becomes more and more normal and in a certain way receives the support of the majority, who for some reason decide not to act or speak.

How does the anti-bullying program work?

The program against bullying devised and shared by Finland began in 2007 with the support of the Finnish government. The idea came to schools to fight head-on with a common problem among schoolchildren; its purpose was to be able to influence the school community through the bullied, whose new attitude tries to win the support of the majority.

The group is capable of achieving great changes when it works for the same purpose, that is why the witnesses of the harassment can unite and support the correct behavior, in this case that of the victim who wins their sympathy. KiVa is developed through a series of trainings that occur at different stages, at age seven, then at ten and later at thirteen, this to ensure that they learn to differentiate the different types of bullying.

Boy suffers from bullying

Once the little ones can understand the ways in which bullying occurs, they can apply the coexistence methods learned at each stage. The lessons on the subject are constant during the school period, in these values ​​that promote empathy among children are highlighted; This is supported by educational programs, incorporating visual and playful techniques.

Tolerance to defeat bullying

The Finnish government has supported the KiVa program and shared it because its results are evident; Since it was introduced in the educational system of that country , bullying has been reduced by at least 79%. Currently, the centers that have incorporated the program experience an almost complete disappearance of bullying.

In addition to eliminating the adjectives “stalker” and “harassed” early on, the program also identified the core of the problem. Later, the work expanded its scope and managed to improve the motivation, well-being, and communication of the students, who also received the benefit of reducing their level of stress and depression.

School free from bullying

For its part, the accustomed victim does not have to be transformed into a new person, it is enough that the group accepts him as he is and supports him in the face of any sign of harassment. In this sense, KiVa also manages to promote the confidence, self-esteem and personality of each of the individuals, who are more open to being themselves without fear of feeling vulnerable to ridicule.

Due to the amazing results, the idea has been taken to other countries; In the first year of activity, it was received by nations such as the United States, France, the United Kingdom, Sweden and Italy, among others. The positive results have also been visible in the centers that are beginning to incorporate the program worldwide, managing to reduce the cases of bullying beyond 35%.

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