Foods That Contain Folic Acid

Folic acid is an essential vitamin that must be ingested during pregnancy. This can prevent the baby from suffering from some diseases related to neural tube defects.
Foods that contain folic acid

Many foods contain folic acid (vitamin B9). This nutrient, which  is responsible for preventing defects in the embryo’s neural tube closure during pregnancy, which could cause serious disorders such as spina bifida or anancephaly, according to an article published in the journal “Fetal Diagnosis and Therapy.”

What’s more,  According to the South Carolina Institute of Environmental Health Sciences,  taking a daily amount of this vitamin can prevent a baby from developing a cleft lip.

Foods that contain folic acid

It is essential that we always take care of our diet, but during pregnancy this care must be extreme, because the baby requires certain specific nutrients and vitamins. To start integrating foods with vitamin B9 into your diet, we mention some:

Green leafy vegetables

Among the foods that contain folic acid we find green leafy vegetables.  Those with the highest concentration of this vitamin are: broccoli, spinach (they provide 263 micrograms per cup), chard, green asparagus and lettuce. In addition, they are vegetables that we can very easily integrate into our diet.

Lentils and beans

Lentils provide a large amount of fiber to the body.

Lentils and the different varieties of beans are rich in folic acid. In addition, integrating soybeans, peas or chickpeas, will not only provide you with a large amount of this vitamin, but you will also receive a huge amount of fiber, which helps the proper functioning of intestinal transit, according to an article published in the magazine ” Alimentary Pharmacology & Therapeutics ”.

Citric fruits

Citrus fruits that have a large amount of folic acid include payaya, oranges, kiwi, strawberries and raspberries.

For its part, avocado is another of the fruits that have a large amount of this vitamin , in addition to vitamin C, potassium, iron, magnesium and calcium, among others. Also on the list of the most recommended are orange, banana and melon.


Other foods that contain folic acid are nuts. Many people tend to have a snack with nuts. Peanuts, almonds and flaxseed, sunflower or sesame seeds are highly recommended during pregnancy. However, it is advisable not to eat more than a handful of these per day due to their high caloric value.

Breads and cereals

Some grain breads and food products are fortified with folic acid. In a single slice of bread, we can find up to 60 mcg of this vitamin.

For its part, they are also recommended during pregnancy, you can even start as a habit incorporating them in breakfasts. If we choose quality breads and whole grain cereal, we will be contributing a large amount of insoluble fiber to the diet.

Foods of animal origin

Although foods of animal origin do not contain the same amount of folic acid as those mentioned above, they are a powerful source of B vitamins.

Among those with the highest quantity we find chicken liver, turkey, veal, shellfish, fish and dairy. 

Benefits of folic acid

Folic acid has many more benefits than we know of. In addition to playing an important role in pregnancy for many reasons, it prevents fetal malformation, spina bifida, and other birth problems.

Nuts contain folic acid.

Other reasons to consume folic acid!

  • They have an important role in DNA synthesis, as well as in cell recomposition.
  • It is good to help protect the body from cardiovascular diseases.
  • It is used to prevent eye diseases, sleep problems, and depression.
  • Helps prevent brain and spinal cord birth defects in the baby.
  • It is used for the treatment of degenerative diseases and neurological problems.
  • Supports the body in the maintenance and creation of new cells.  
  • It has functions in the treatment of Alzheimer’s and other memory-related problems.

    Now that we know the foods that contain folic acid, it is important that we begin to integrate them into our diet during pregnancy.

    Even so, it is important to note that, although these foods are in your diet, it is difficult to receive the amount that our body requires in the gestation period, so the doctor will prescribe the pharmacological supplements that you need. 

    Why is it necessary to take folic acid?

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