Fun Raffle Formulas Before You Start Playing

Do you want to know some fun raffle formulas before you start playing? Pay attention to the following lines!
Fun raffle formulas before you start playing

In many games or activities for children, before starting to play, you have to decide who is going to play a specific position or how the groups will be formed. Thus, for example, in the hideout, you have to choose who is responsible for looking for the rest. Or, for example, to play a basketball game you have to create two teams.

To make these decisions as fair as possible, it is best to cast lots. For this reason, we have prepared the following article in which we describe some f fun raffle formulas before you start playing .

Fun raffle formulas before you start playing

Girls running and playing in the park dressed as fairies.

Take out straws

To raffle this way, it is necessary to have as many straws, also known as straws or straws, as players want to participate in the game.

These should be able to be hidden inside a closed fist, for which, it may be convenient to cut them a little. But you must always keep in mind that one of these straws must be smaller than the others.

Next, one of the participants must take care of hiding the set of straws in their hand and the rest must take turns taking one of the straws. In this sense, the last one that remains is the one that belongs to the person who held them all, so that the player who extracts the shortest straw is the one who must assume a specific role that is different from the rest of the group in the game.

Alternatively, if you don’t have straws, you can also use toothpicks, matches, cotton buds or any other small object.

Tower of hands

The players stand next to each other and form a circle. After that, one of the participants puts one of his hands in the center and the rest, one by one, put theirs on top of each other to create a tower of hands.

Then they all say out loud: “1, 2, 3 … tower undone!” . While counting to three, the players who have their hand under the tower must place it on top and when the group shouts “tower undone” , they have to withdraw their hands at the same time and raise them up.

Each player decides whether, when raising his hand, he puts his palm in or out of the circle. So whoever is left with the hand facing the other way around than the others, is the person who assumes a specific role in the game. In case all the participants coincide in the position of the palm of the hand, the game is repeated.

Feet in minority

To carry out this form of raffle, the players have to stand in a circle and bring one of their feet closer to the center, so that the toes of all the participants touch each other.

Once the players are positioned correctly, they should say out loud: “1, 2, 3 … minority!” . After this, each participant decides whether to remove his foot from the circle or to leave it where it is.

Afterwards, a count is made and it is observed if there are more players with their foot in the circle or withdrawn. Thus, the participants who are in the minority repeat this process until only one remains. In the event of a tie, the game is replayed.

Boy playing hide and seek in the forest cabin after raffling before playing.

Gold and silver, an ideal way of raffling to form teams

Two of the players, those who will act as team captains, have to position themselves face to face while maintaining a distance of a few meters.

Next, one of them should start by putting one foot in front of the other and calling out “gold” , while the other carries out the same action, but saying “silver” .

This process is repeated until both participants are close. At that moment, one of them must say “mount” and try to step on the opponent’s foot, if he manages to do so he must say “fit” and put his foot, sideways, between his foot and that of the partner. The player who manages to “mount” and “fit” is in charge of first choosing the team members.

As you have seen, the different forms of raffling can also be very fun and create a very pleasant and conducive environment for the game. What are you waiting for to show them to your children so that they can apply them with their friends before playing?

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