How Can I Tell If My Child Is Ready For School?

How can I tell if my child is ready for school?

Recent studies have determined that advancing the school age before the age of three can favor the educational process and facilitate children’s learning; however, many mothers still wait until about five years to take them to school. The reasons for advancing or delaying entry to school are multiple, but in general it is difficult to determine when the child is actually ready to do so.

Sometimes it is not so much the child’s disability that prevents their inclusion in school, since it is very often the mother’s fear of starting this process. It is common for separation to be the main obstacle, especially when we have already noticed that it has been difficult to leave it in case of taking them to daycare or with a family member.

However, it is important to know that the child himself may reveal that he is ready for school ; This is something that will undoubtedly help us a lot to make the decision. It can be said that it is not always a question of age, perhaps it is the maturity of the child or the independence that has shown that leads us to consider taking this step.


Signs that your child is ready for school

Age is still the main indication that a child should enter school, but it is not always an indication that he is ready to do so. In general, a two-year-old child shows interest in things around him and his curiosity has led him to make valuable discoveries for him; this is a very clear sign that you want to learn a lot more.

However, when the need to learn and create new bonds appears, you are not always the age set for going to school. So, even if the child is no more than three years old, he may be ready to start school, but another five years old may be a bit less independent.

That is, it is not recommended that we just get carried away by the age of the child to make this decision. If we notice that your ability to socialize is high and we consider that your learning is so advanced that it requires help, do not hesitate to take it to school or other training activity.

Although age shouldn’t determine your child’s school income, waiting too long to do so is not recommended. If the child is finding it difficult to separate from the family or has shown signs of not being ready to interact with other children, it is possible that he is also telling us that he should change his routine and formalize his education.


School can help you internalize the main rules of social life and make sense of many of the recommendations you have heard at home. In addition, it is timely for your emotions to begin to manifest themselves in the right way, so school could be ideal to help you mold your character.

Other clues that allow us to know if our child is ready to go to school are the following.

  • He is less and less concerned about what his parents are doing or where they are going
  • Be interested in sharing with other children and prefer to be with them
  • He does not entertain himself at home with the same old things. He feels bored with the routine, his activities are increasingly automated and without apparent emotion
  • Shows interest in exploring and learning about new topics, especially when meeting people outside the family
  • Take any opportunity to go out on the street
  • Some children may feel somewhat irritable and demanding

If you still have doubts about the precise moment when your child is ready to go to school, we invite you to consider that according to the opinion of the experts, the first three years of life are essential to strengthen family ties. That is to say, in these years the little ones should spend more time with their mothers, if this is fulfilled no matter where they go, they will always be united.

On the other hand, it is possible that for work reasons it is necessary for mothers and children to be separated, which is the main reason for children to go to school early. If this is the case, it is recommended to dedicate quality time to them; give them affection and reassurance every time they are together.

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