How Does The Moon Phase Influence Labor?

How does the moon phase influence labor?

Human beings have many connections to the moon and its phases. In some way this star influences our natural systems, since it affects certain factors of nature. Pregnancy does not escape this, it is taken into account to observe the female reproductive cycle and greater fertility. Similarly, the moon phase is believed to influence childbirth.

Beliefs regarding the influence of the moon in childbirth are quite widespread. Some people apply their experience and knowledge to relate the moon phase to the time of delivery, for example midwives. Investigations in this regard have also been able to verify a certain connection.

Midwife Lina Abellán Martínez explains to us the lunar influence on childbirth in humans. This is an investigation carried out in more than 7 thousand births, which were related to the phase of the moon in which they occurred. We tell you how it happens.

  • Apparently when the moon is in its waning phase, deliveries tend to present characteristics related to ruptured amniotic sacs, as well as colouration of the fluid.
  • During the new moon, more spontaneous births occur
  • Between the growing and full phases, there are more cases of premature deliveries, cesarean sections, manual deliveries, slow dilations and induced deliveries.

Influence of the moon phase in childbirth

Sometimes we just get carried away by the charm of the moon. Some cultures even consider the moon as a deity. Certainly, this can influence natural elements, for example, the tide of the oceans, the productivity of the land or the success of crops.

It is also believed to influence people. Although at the level of pregnancy the moon phase is not considered as a statute, we can appreciate a certain relationship. In many cases, the lunar calendar is established as a guide for procuring a child. Another type of connection can be found at the time of delivery and possible complications.

In this regard, perinatal psychoprophylaxis studies reveal that there may be a real relationship between the moon phase and childbirth. It is an empirical analysis carried out by midwives, in collaboration with mothers and health personnel.

Although we know that births occur every day regardless of what phase the moon is in, some coincidences are remarkable. Statistically, labor occurs as follows according to the moon phase.

new Moon

It happens that in this phase the deliveries can be easier and faster. In these cases, the woman arrives almost ready to give birth, she has fully dilated and she barely has time to take off her clothes. At least two women agree giving birth at the same time and with very similar characteristics. That is, it is a spontaneous birth.

In general, the membranes rupture naturally without any alteration. Furthermore, the expulsion is so spontaneous that the mother has no opportunity to reflect on what is happening.

Crescent quarter

The specialists consider that the deliveries that take place in this phase are very beautiful. They are not as explosive as the previous ones, but they are quite normal. The dilation is gradual, without setbacks; in addition, it gives the mother the opportunity to participate and be aware. They explain it as the birth of magazines, the one whose stages are perfect in every way.

Full moon

According to the experience of midwives, births occur more frequently in this phase. Those are the days when hospitals are crowded and staff super busy. They are usually full-term births, which is why they are generally natural.

In certain cases, some deliveries are advanced, but with a probable date and in optimal conditions. However, when advancements are presented, then cases of stock market rupture and certain related complications occur. This results in the process taking a little longer.

Last quarter

In this lunar phase the births are few. However, those that do occur can be very laborious. They are not the typical physiological deliveries, but rather cesarean sections or manual extractions. At this stage, births are a bit more complicated, where the baby comes sitting or standing.

The characteristics of these last quarter births require the energy expenditure of the medical staff and the mother. In addition, unusual things can happen, such as a shorter cord or a parent who arrives at the most important moment. It takes a lot of patience to wait for the outcome, but most end up happy.

Black moon

The black moon is that phase prior to the new moon. The deliveries that occur in this phase are the most complex. It is about those laborious processes, where it is really difficult for the baby to be born. Further monitoring of the heart system and potential complications may be needed.

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