How To Fill The Deficiencies In Pregnancy If We Suffer From Lactose Intolerance?

How to fill the deficiencies in pregnancy if we suffer from lactose intolerance?

In pregnancy, the doses of calcium that we ingest should be increased, since the requirements are higher. This component is mainly found in dairy products. For this reason, pregnant women who suffer from lactose intolerance are obliged to make up for their deficiencies in another way. In this article we want to show you the alternatives to cover this need in pregnancy.

Why does lactose intolerance occur?

Lactose intolerance is a condition that affects many people. It is characterized by the inability of the body to digest the sugar in milk, better known as lactose. This sugar is present in almost all dairy products, since it is contained in cow’s milk, goat’s milk and even human milk.

It is understood that this process is not reversed, because people with this intolerance lack the enzyme lactase. Without lactase or with low amounts of it, it is difficult to process lactose. That is, these people can suffer various symptoms if they consume dairy foods.

However, although lactose can be harmful for some people, they may still need it. In the case of pregnant women, they should increase their intake of calcium, the main source of which is found in milk-based products.

How to meet calcium needs?

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A pregnant woman needs a daily dose of calcium that is between 800 mg and 1400 mg. For this reason, milk and its derivatives are highly recommended foods during pregnancy. Calcium intake should be increased as the gestation process progresses. For example, in the second quarter the needs are almost double those of the first quarter.

As we have explained, consuming dairy for an intolerant can mean the appearance of annoying symptoms. However, there are lactose-free products that can provide the required calcium for those suffering from lactose intolerance. Among the most prominent we have the following:

  • There are numerous products on the market to help people with lactose intolerance. Lactose-free milk is an ideal product in these cases, because it contains calcium and other properties of milk. In addition, other derivatives have been created from this food, such as yogurt, cheeses and ice cream.
  • Apart from natural and artificial dairy, calcium can also be found naturally in other foods. Legumes such as lentils and chickpeas are recommended to increase our calcium dose. Similarly, it can be found in chard, spinach, broccoli, and sesame seeds.
  • Some packaged products such as juices, cereals or preserves, are fortified with calcium.
  • Likewise, it is recommended to increase the consumption of Vitamin D, which helps to better absorb calcium. Vitamin D is obtained directly from sunlight. We also find it in green leafy vegetables, citrus foods, liver, lean meats, and fish such as salmon and tuna.
  • We always have the option of taking calcium supplements. Such supplements in most cases are indicated to the pregnant woman, even when she is not lactose intolerant.

Recommendations for lactose intolerance

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Before taking any initiative in this regard, it is necessary to consult the doctor. The specialist is in charge of providing you with the most accurate recommendations to attend to your case. Other recommendations are as follows:

  • Before consuming commercial lactose-free products, check their labels carefully and make sure they have an external registration to the brand that indicates their condition.
  • Don’t miss out on adding an extra dose of calcium. For example, even when taking calcium supplements, continue to include the foods recommended above in your diet.

Calcium is an essential element in the formation of bones and their protection. In this sense, a significant deficiency can affect the development of the baby’s teeth and bones and damage those of the mother. Fortunately, there is an alternative to make up for these deficiencies. Consult your doctor and follow their guidelines to ensure the health of your pregnancy.

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