How To Nurture Your Child’s Artistic Talent In Preschool

For parents, it is important to investigate to discover and be able to enhance the talent of their children. Preschool age is the time to start finding your skills.
How to nurture your child's artistic talent in preschool

If we focus on art for preschool children, we see that drawing is one of the first ways they learn to express their creativity. Drawing helps girls in their emotional, cognitive and social development. It is also a way of communicating. Nurturing your child’s artistic talent in preschool is possible.

Spontaneous drawing in preschool makes it possible for children to express ideas about their surroundings, about others. So, we must encourage them to develop this talent. Let’s look at some tips on nurturing your child’s artistic talent in preschool.

How to nurture your child’s artistic talent in preschool

If you want me to do it, do it

Remember that parents are the children’s first role model. They are your best example. So, if we want the child to develop his artistic talent, starting with drawing, parents have to be the first to dare to pick up paper and a brush (or pencil).

Children with paint on their hands to nurture their artistic talents.

It is important to communicate with him, that he understands what we are doing when he sees us doing it. Very soon he will try to do the same, to imitate his model. It is important to work on the good things that we are capable of doing. Never say that our art is not good, but enhance the positive part of what we draw and what he draws.

If the child observes that we are safe in our work, he will also feel safe with his own. It is not about us being artists, just about awakening the child’s interest and encouraging him to express himself.

Explore with techniques to nurture your child’s artistic talent

When we have a routine of painting, coloring, drawing, we will try to find new techniques. It is about investigating so as not to always do the same. Do not limit yourself to painting with tempera, pencils or crayons. We can use other elements such as chalk, pens or even finger paint.

You have to know how to give the child his choice, help him with his exploration. Providing this space to create freely will be a way to nurture your child’s artistic talent in preschool.

Talk to the child

One sure way to encourage your child to start drawing is to have an interest in what you are drawing. We can encourage him to improve, but it is enough to always say things like “how nice!” when I paint. The ideal is to comment in detail on each creation, talk about the colors, their possibilities and about each area of ​​the drawing created.

Sitting in one place and drawing on paper may not always seem like the most fun for the child. One option is to come up with new ideas for him. It is best to find out what interests you and what you like. For this the best thing is to ask and listen. Communication is essential.

Little girl painting pictures to develop her artistic talent in preschool.

Take into account their age

It is essential that, as parents, understand the art form (drawing) that the child is going to make according to their age. There are clearly differentiated phases in the development of a child when it comes to starting with drawing.

First, when they are younger, they will start scribbling. Later, this will evolve and they will seek to paint more realistic things. About three years old they begin to join the lines. Between the ages of three and four, they try to create realistic images. This is a natural progression and it is important for parents to be aware.

Cultivate patience

If children are very young,  their attention span is limited. So, you have to be patient with them and not pressure them to paint or color. In this sense, it is always better to give them blank paper and colors, and let them do what they want than, for example, to buy them a coloring book.

If one day you do not feel like drawing, nothing happens, we can save it for another day when you feel like it more. It is very important that art is born from the intention of the child.

Finally, remember that artistic talent does not mean wonder or perfection. The important thing is that you enjoy it, do something that amuses you and that develops your creativity.

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