Inside Your Belly A New World Grows

Being pregnant means creating life. A new world grows inside your belly.
Inside your belly a new world grows

Every second counts. Since your ovum was fertilized inside your womb, a new world grows that beats every moment. Inside you there lives a new being and that little person is the protagonist of one of the most prodigious events in your life. Enjoy your pregnancy, experience with joy the fact of being a woman and a mother. No matter how adverse the panorama becomes, never forget to enjoy yourself, because every second counts.

Women have the gift of experiencing one of nature’s most beautiful miracles: giving life. It seems a lie, right? Sometimes it is incredible that such a beautiful creature emerges from that tiny point called a cell. As the days go by, it will also be incredible that that little person can turn your world upside down in such a way that it seems that they are presenting it to you again.

Together with your child you will rediscover the wonders of the universe, you will fall in love again with the moon, the stars, the pleasant and always intoxicating silence of the night and you will see the mountains, the forests with different eyes. It is very likely that you perceive the perfume of the flowers in a different way and you also feel the song of the birds in a different way, you will surely find them precious, but their beauty will be dulled if you compare it with that of your baby, because the beauty of your son is incomparable.

A new world grows inside you

A new world called baby

Life surprises you again, who would have thought that from a fertilized cell that miracle that we call baby would arise. This cell will attest to the mystery of life and will create an individual from his intelligence, who in turn will keep and answer new mysteries of the world. Because for your eyes everything will be beautiful, everything will be new, everything will be pure.

How can nine months go so long? Yes, in nine months, you will have such an intense experience that nothing but your motherly love will spring from it. This feeling that will make you able to overcome everything, to endure the unspeakable and that will make you feel fuller than ever.

That creature that grows within you will cause an energy to emerge that is also fantastic, very strong. All that strength will be used to protect the baby who comes to discover this world.

You will be there to accompany him, to alleviate his fatigue, to drive away his fears, to praise his efforts and to celebrate his joys. Your world will change, I assure you, because this little person will fill your life with new sacrifices and new nervousness, but also with other tranquility, with unprecedented optimism and overwhelming joy.

The life that grows within you will come to replenish many hopes and feed a maternal feeling that will flow with the energy that has a burning flame. Your baby will give you the courage to overcome and overcome any challenge. You will be another, you’ll see. You will be the woman that your son needs by his side to walk on the streets that will open up for him.


Prepare your world for him 

Becoming a mother does not only mean giving your life, it means, above all, taking care of the baby because its future depends on us. Preparation to become mothers should not focus on getting as many objects as possible so that the baby is comfortable. That is very good and is part of what we should do, but it is also necessary to review and put order in our inner world.

Before the baby comes out of your breast, try to reinforce your good habits, because your child will learn from your example, be it good or bad. Also try to shield your menu with adequate food for both of you, as this will allow both of you to be healthy and to enjoy the pleasures of life.

And above all, make sure that your world, whatever its size and whatever complications it may have, is full of sincerity, reason and honest smiles, because these will nourish the soul of both. And one more thing, although it seems contradictory, do not worry about love, because you will have plenty. Your baby will make so much love sprout from you that it will be impossible for you to calculate it, it will also be a shared feeling because your child is loaded with it.

Being pregnant is receiving the gift of giving life

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