Intuition In Children: How Do Parents Help To Develop It?

Intuition in children is very important. She can prevent them from possible dangers, guide them in activities they enjoy, and help them develop their character through decision making. The role of parents is fundamental in the development of this capacity.
Intuition in children: how do parents help develop it?

Intuition in children is a very useful tool but little used by parents to positively develop the character of their children. This needs to be perfected through exercises and actions of the adults around the minor. Thus, the learning process increases its effectiveness.

Intuition can be defined as the ability to know something with great certainty but without conscious reasoning. For some it occurs when the heart has knowledge before the brain.

Giving children more space and time gives them the opportunity to create and think with a low stress load. This contributes to the development of the sense of intuition.

How to develop intuition in children?

The following actions contribute to the development of intuition in children:

Promote self-confidence

Parents are always an example for their children. Therefore, demonstrating high self-esteem and self-confidence in front of them is essential.

Sort your priorities

Through observing the child’s behavior while interacting freely, it is possible to identify those activities that promote learning for which they have the greatest affinity. Once identified and rearranged, they must be enhanced.

Boost creativity

Creativity and intuition go hand in hand. Cultural activities such as drawing, writing and reading enhance creativity.

The conversations that take place  help to free the child’s mind. With this, the capacity for free thought is expanded and the little one easily discovers how to interpret what the heart indicates.

Promote ideal environments

Children develop their intuition more easily in a harmonious and stress-free environment. It must be remembered that intuition is based on listening to the inner voice.

Calm homes with few distractions provide the ideal space to think. Controlling the use of distracting elements such as electronic devices is essential for the child to invest his time and energy in other creative activities that contribute to the development of intuition.

Creativity and intuition go hand in hand.

Incentivize the game

Playing is an essential activity during childhood. Nowadays, conventional games have been largely replaced by electronic devices.

Children often put off outdoor activities and instead prefer to be using a computer, tablet or mobile phone.

However, playing gives free rein to imagination, creativity and, therefore, intuition is favored. In play, valuable connections take place in the infant’s brain. These improve performance in skills such as problem solving, understanding, and acting on intuition.

Show confidence

Confidence in the child can be achieved by showing that his parents trust him. As always, you have to guide the boy to make decisions; In addition, in the process you have to build confidence in your intuition to decide.

Factors that weaken intuition in children

Being intuitive is great. However, once intuition has developed,  there is the possibility of gradually losing it by feeling an affinity for logic and rationality.

Some common practices of parents with their children influence their loss of intuition. Here are the three most common:

Displays of affection for obligation

It is common for some parents to force their children to show affection to people with whom they do not feel affinity.

Forced hugs and kisses are a frequent request of children to learn to be kind. Or at least that’s what their parents think.

To learn to be polite and kind, you don’t have to hug or kiss anyone; it is advisable to allow children to decide to whom they give their affection in this way.

With this practice, the child’s instinct about the people around him is repressed. It is wise to give them confidence to decide who they are comfortable with and who they are not.

Intuition in children helps them prevent danger and guides them towards those things that they like.

Tell them they are never right

Making them believe that the possibility of being right is nil little by little weakens their innate intuitive power. Parents should always be guides, but it is important that they promote leadership and decision-making in their children.

Not leaving them free time

Intuition in children helps them to guard against danger and guides them towards those things that they like. Responsibilities must be assigned to them and gradually increased according to age.

It is also important to give them time to do the things they like. A busy schedule of tasks subordinates his instinct and makes the child succumb more and more to social conventions. Thus, little by little you stop believing in your intuition and lose it.

Encourage your child's gifts

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