Is It Good To Wash Your Hair Every Day? Know The Benefits

Washing your hair every day is a topic that motivates mixed opinions. What can you do? In this article, you will find several recommendations for you to make the most convenient decision.
Is it good to wash your hair every day?  Know the benefits

Many women wonder if it is good to wash their hair every day. The doubts arise in view of the fact that some experts believe that it should be washed daily, while others think that it is best to leave it for several days without doing it. You will see below some reasons why you can decide to wash your hair daily or not.

Washing your hair every day, is it healthy?

Yes, washing your hair daily can pay off; however, it depends on the type of hair you have. That is, it is a question of whether you need it or not.

In general, very oily hair should be washed frequently, since, in some people, the sebaceous glands produce a large amount of oil on the scalp. This factor is determined by genetic factors.

On the contrary, if the hair is dry, it stays clean longer. In addition, in this type of hair you should avoid the daily use of chemical products, such as shampoos, conditioners or moisturizing masks.

Can you use shampoo every day when washing your hair?

It is possible to use a specific shampoo for your hair type, which can be recommended by a stylist or a dermatologist. However, it is better to use a small amount of shampoo and conditioner, so that excessive accumulation of their chemical compounds on the scalp is avoided. Some of these products cause irritation and damage the hair if used frequently.

It is advisable to use a mild or neutral shampoo for daily use; in the market you can find various brands. Hydrations or masks should be applied every 10 days, at least.

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On the other hand, when washing your hair every day it is advisable to opt for shampoo and conditioner based on natural products. Some of them are aloe vera and cayenne for oily hair; meanwhile, for dry hair you can apply coconut, argan and almond oil, among others.

When to use dry shampoo?

If you decide not to wash your hair every day, you can use dry shampoo only in an emergency situation. That is, in case you need to have your hair as freshly washed, fresh and shiny. You should not apply it daily, as it is best to wash it with water and shampoo.

Hair loss when washing it

When proceeding with the wash, hair loss is normal. Surprisingly for many, about 100 hairs are lost daily. Therefore, when you rub the scalp, they come off easily; when remaining in your hands, they contrast with the foam of the shampoo.

This makes it appear that a lot of hair falls out during bathing .  For this reason, some women fear to wash it frequently. However, hair still falls out, even if it is not washed daily, because that damaged or dead hair must come out when we touch something or when combing it.

Is washing your hair daily counterproductive for alopecia?

According to the opinion of dermatology experts at the Hospital Clínico San Carlos de Madrid,  the first step in treating alopecia is to wash your hair every day.

On the other hand, the Coordinator of the Trichology Unit of the Ramón y Cajal Hospital, Dr. Sergio Vañó, maintains that frequent use of shampoo does not increase androgenic alopecia,  since it does not penetrate to the interior of the hair root. This is where androgens affect hair follicles that are sensitive to this hormone.

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Benefits of washing your hair every day

Experts in the field agree that washing your hair every day is a healthy habit, as it removes dirt, secretions and flaking of the scalp itself. Likewise, it keeps it free of dirt, dust, odors, hairspray, gel and residues that are in the environment and that the hair absorbs easily.

On the other hand, washing your hair daily allows you to eradicate the residues of moisturizing products that accumulate at the roots.  This prevents successive applications from being effectively absorbed. By keeping your hair clean, you will maintain a healthy appearance with natural shine.

In short,  washing your hair every day is convenient if your hair deserves it. In such a case, by following these suggestions, you can also sport a healthy and beautiful mane.

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