Keys For A Balanced Digital Diet For Children

Eating a balanced digital diet for children in this technological world can be difficult. But then we will give you the keys so that you can achieve it. 
Keys to a balanced digital diet for children

Knowing the keys to maintaining a balanced digital diet for children is necessary to make healthy use of technology. The important thing is to know how to take care of interpersonal relationships and give them the importance they deserve, above the virtual presence. 

If clear limits are established and good communication is maintained, there will be no need to resort to extreme measures, such as prohibiting the use of the Internet at home. The keys that we will give you below will show you that you simply have to apply common sense, provide quality time and promote a critical attitude towards the use of technology.

Why is a digital diet necessary?

Technology has been created to facilitate human life, but digital media is focused on the flow of information and contact through constant communication. And while this can be extremely advantageous, it can also lead to a significant decline in our social life and personal growth.

Keys to maintaining a balanced digital diet for children.

In this sense, the dilemma begins when we observe that our children spend more time immersed in their social networks, or anywhere on the Internet and miss the opportunity to interact face to face with people.

The question that goes through the head of every parent today is: How to balance the use of the media? and therefore: How to achieve it without looking like a punishment? The thing is to improve, talk in depth about how important it is to know how to be objective and verify that there is a life beyond the virtual one.

Keys to a balanced digital diet

1. Identify the degree of dependence on technology

It is assumed that in theory there is no risk with the use of technological devices unless an addiction becomes manifest. Based on this idea, the first thing you should do is identify the degree of dependence that your child has on technology.

To carry out this survey, try turning off your home Wi-Fi system or asking your child directly to hand over the phone, tablet or electronic equipment. Then observe his attitude, if he is restless, anxious, annoyed or irritable you will know that a dependency has already been created.

If this has happened, you should gradually implement solutions to balance the different aspects of your life: virtual presence, obligations, activities, social interactions, and so on.

2. Prohibit the use of cell phones when eating

To maintain a balanced digital diet, it is important that, for at least 2 hours a day, the use of electronic devices is suspended.  Many parents take mealtime to meet this goal, be it dinner or lunch. This will allow moments of conversation and exchange to be generated, and several hours are subtracted from continuous use of the cell phone.

In addition, respect and appreciation for the act of receiving food with appreciation is instilled in the child and adolescent, without suffering the interruptions of calls or messages, while sharing with the family what they will directly extrapolate when they are with their friends.

3. Teach the rules of the good speaker of the good listener

It is important that the child learns the rules of the good speaker and the good listener, this will lead him to reduce the use of the cell phone or tablet while he is speaking, understanding that he commits a lack of education if he does not direct his gaze to the person speaking .

Keys to maintaining a balanced digital diet for children.

4. Enroll your children in recreational activities

Another good option to maintain a balanced digital diet is to motivate our children to do some recreational activity after school (such as sports, dance or music classes). This way they will realize that it is possible to enjoy themselves without using any electronic device and that this brings them well-being.

In the case of music classes, the child may be asked to practice his lessons at home, as a “private concert”. This way you can occupy your time in something that does not include the use of the telephone. Of course, we can practice the lessons with them, so that they feel supported and valued.

5. Educate by example

If the child sees his parents remain constantly connected to their electronic devices and do not stop using their social networks, he will copy the pattern, therefore, it is very important to know how to set a good example: be consistent, dialogue and reflect together to always seek the good common.

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