Laser Hair Removal And Breastfeeding

When the delivery and the first weeks of the baby are over, the new mother returns to worry about her physical condition and her attractiveness. Hair has developed in different parts of her body and the question arises of the possible incompatibility between laser hair removal and breastfeeding.
Laser hair removal and breastfeeding

The relationship between laser hair removal and breastfeeding is a frequent concern in breastfeeding women. Queries about the compatibility or not of laser hair removal and breastfeeding are a frequent topic in medical offices.

The idea that laser hair removal affects breastfeeding is just another myth that circulates around the world of pregnant women. All of them only serve to worry women and condition the lives of new mothers.

Life after childbirth

A baby brings changes in family life. Nothing is ever the same again; Whether it is the first child or one more that is integrated into the family nucleus, the dynamics of people necessarily change.

The mother is, without a doubt, the most affected by these changes. There are tasks that only she can accomplish, such as breastfeeding, which takes a lot of her time. Little by little, the woman begins to look at herself again, to notice the changes that her body has undergone.

In this way, the concern for aesthetics is emerging again in women; She begins to try to regain her figure and returns to self-care habits that she used to have and that made her feel comfortable and happy.

The appearance of hair

Among other things, it is time to decide what to do with hair that has been increased by hormonal changes during pregnancy. Hair may have appeared on the face, breasts, or abdomen. Generally, it is a thick and unsightly hair that disappears after five to six months.

In the second trimester, emotional changes during pregnancy manifest themselves in a positive way.

Concerned about her appearance, the woman wants to eliminate that hair. You have little time available, as you must be aware of the baby; At this time, the subject of laser hair removal appears as an excellent option. While it does not remove hair forever, it does greatly delay its growth.

In this phase, the woman wonders if the laser will affect the breast milk or the baby. You know that breastfeeding is very important to your health and you want to keep doing it. But there is nothing to worry about; laser hair removal and breastfeeding are perfectly compatible.

What is the relationship between laser hair removal and breastfeeding?

The truth is that none. Laser hair removal does not affect any of the factors that determine breastfeeding. It does not impact on the quantity of milk produced, it does not deteriorate the quality of the milk and it does not harm the mammary glands.

What is the explanation that there is no incompatibility? These are the two most important reasons:

  • The laser light used in hair removal does not pass through the mammary gland. Even if you were waxing your armpit and mammary auroeola, it would not affect you. The laser penetrates between two and three millimeters into the skin.
  • It does not influence any of the hormones that have to do with breastfeeding. Neither prolactin, which is responsible for milk production, nor oxytocin, which allows milk to be ejected, are harmed in any way by laser hair removal.
Many women worry about the relationship between laser hair removal and breastfeeding.

What about the side effects of laser hair removal?

Generally, laser hair removal has no side effects on women. However, there are times when some symptoms and discomfort appear : it is the case of irritation, itching or a little pain.

There will be no problems with breastfeeding if certain medications are not used to relieve these symptoms. As with any other condition, it is necessary to avoid pain relievers and anesthetic creams because the effects of these drugs can pass into the milk.

In case these effects of hair removal occur, it is important that the doctor is the one who determines what treatment to follow. At most, the woman will be uncomfortable for a day or two, but then everything will go away.

These types of side effects are usually episodes that resolve quickly. Therefore, there are no dangers in the combination of laser hair removal and breastfeeding.

It is essential that laser hair removal is performed by a specialized technician qualified and experienced in the procedure. This will avoid risks of burns or skin conditions, which will be difficult to control due to the limitations of breastfeeding.

Myths You Should Know About Breastfeeding

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