Living In A Tolerant Environment Makes Children More Patient

If you want your child to be patient and tolerant of others, start setting an example from home.
Living in a tolerant environment makes children more patient

A tolerant environment is a harmonious space. A place where all members of the family can live together in peace.

Achieving it is not difficult. And growing up in this type of environment will help your child to know how to listen and respect the points of view of others. Something that will favor your social relationships throughout life.

Tolerant and intolerant

When we speak of tolerance we refer to respect or consideration for the opinions, feelings, moods, or practices of others ; although these are different from ours. We are tolerant if we are more polite to those around us, we attend to their needs and we care what happens to them.

“Since I am imperfect and I need the tolerance and kindness of others, I also have to tolerate the defects of the world until I can find the secret that allows me to remedy them.”
-Mahatma Gandhi-

On the other hand, intolerant people are rude. They do not care about the opinions or suggestions of others. They also do not pay attention to the needs of those around them and minimize the problems they may have. Bigots can be selfish.


Their demands and their way of thinking is always what counts : “you have to do this like this because it is like that, and it is like that because I say so, or because it is stipulated that way.” For them there are no half measures. Everything is white or everything is black.

Intolerant people are stubborn and stubborn. They care what their laws dictate and they do not mind always being in disagreement with those around them.

Living in a tolerant environment makes children more patient

Mom, if up to this minute we have invaded you with ideas about tolerance and intolerance, it has only been so that you know how to elucidate between when we can be one and when the other. It is important that both you and the rest of the family know what each term means, and how you should behave to maintain balance within the home.  Keep in mind that the emotional health of your young child also depends on this.

As a human being, at the end of the day you must be aware that not every time we have the right or the truth in our hands, and that we can also build our own on the experiences of others. When we listen to others and accept their ways of thinking, we become aware of their problems, we accept that the world does not revolve around us … we are being tolerant, we are having patience.

Remember that you and the rest of the adults your child lives with are his guide. He imitates you regardless of whether the pattern to follow is the most appropriate.

We therefore emphasize the transcendental role that tolerance has for the emotional development and education of your child. Growing up in a tolerant environment where there is respect, love, and consideration for others will result in a fair and patient child.


The importance of being tolerant of the intolerant

In your social relationships, more than once surely, you have had to deal with people with low tolerance. And in that minute you will have had to say to yourself a thousand times: “You must be tolerant. Don’t lose your patience. “

Well, this is also a knowledge that you must instill in your child. Knowing how to deal with the character of these types of people, being calm enough not to go out of your mind and being even-tempered at all times, will go a long way, now, and in your adult life.

As the “baby” under your wing grows, he will run into people who test his ability to tolerate. And it will be there when you have to show how much you are worth. After all, you prepare him to be a civilized man, right?

To summarize: try to maintain harmony at home and wherever you go with your child. But also teach him that intolerance exists and that there are ways to deal with it. That will serve him, either to tolerate you and the other members of the family (that is worth the joke), or during his performance as a social being.

How to teach tolerance to children

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