Mom, Talk To Me With Love

Love and affection are fundamental aspects of parenting. Speaking with the right tone to children should never be forgotten, and in this article we explain its importance.
Mama talk to me with love

Children come into this world as blank canvases, canvases ready to create the best of works. Children are all love and that is why it is not only necessary but almost vital that they be spoken to with love from the moment they enter our lives. In the womb, many mothers talk to their babies so that they know what their voice is like and feel their love.

When a child is in our arms it should not be different, nor as it grows. To provide good emotional and cognitive development to children, you have to speak to them with love. Every time you look into his eyes and you are nervous or angry … remember that those innocent eyes are telling you something very important: ‘Mom, talk to me with love’. 

What is to speak with love

Speaking with love, everyone knows what it is but as life progresses it seems that it remains diffuse or forgotten. To speak with love is to do it without shouting but with enough firmness that it transmits security and internal balance. Speaking with love is to convey that the other is capable, that you are aware of their worth and that you trust all their possibilities.

Speaking with love means smiling while speaking, speaking out of affection and love and not doing it out of fear or to create fear. Words of affection will be necessary to learn to understand emotions, to name what you feel and understand what others are feeling at all times. Empathy begins in children when they are spoken to with love.

Children need nice words


Speaking with love to our children is something we must do since they are in the womb, since it is from the third trimester when the baby hears what is happening around him and begins to realize the voices that are known and important. for him.

Although the baby does not understand what is said, he does understand the emotions that are transmitted, because depending on how words are said they can produce some sensations or others.

Young children need to have a good emotional balance, where emotions are even more important than the clothes they are wearing. They will feel the security and trust of their parents through emotional language, that is, the language of love .

If a child grows up devoid of emotional words and full of love, then he will suffer from a developmental imbalance that will be full of gaps. 

How to speak with love

Bad words, labels or value judgments can have great negative consequences on children’s emotions, so much so that it can even create stress or depression. Positive language full of love will promote positive behaviors in children, because if they feel good about themselves, they will also feel good about their surroundings.

If you think that you are not fully capable of using emotional language with your children, you will have to connect with your heart and also, it is important to work on patience and be emotionally healed.

In this way, you will be able to have a respectful maternity or paternity that allows your child to grow both outside and inside, and it will also help you to feel good control in raising your children.


We should not abuse positive reinforcement either because it would lose its value, children know how to differentiate well when things are said to them sincerely and when it is not. To be able to speak with love, you must connect your mind with your heart, so that your emotions are in your words and your brain in full attention in what you say to your children. To do this, emotional language should be your best ally. Some examples:

  • Talk to your child looking into his eyes
  • Connect with your children forgetting the orders or punishments, allow them to be part of the decisions or consequences
  • Listen to everything your children have to tell you
  • Talk to him with love and tell him everything you love him every day, but in addition to saying it … it is also important that you show it
  • Respect it and accept it as it is.

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