My Son Does Not Want Any Gifts For Christmas: What Happens?

Gifts are one of the greatest Christmas attractions for children. Therefore, if your child does not want anything, it is possible that he is going through some difficulty that requires your attention.
My child does not want any gifts for Christmas: what happens?

Christmas is one of the favorite times of the year for children, and a large part of their illusion resides in the toys and gifts they receive every December 25 or every January 6. Therefore, if your child does not want any gifts for Christmas, you may worry.

You should know that there are several reasons that can lead to this happening and, in most cases, there is no serious underlying problem.

However, it is convenient to be alert to some signs that can guide us. Any change in behavior or attitude in a child must be taken into account, since they are not always able to openly explain what happens to them. Having an adult to listen and guide them is often enough.

Why doesn’t my child want any gifts for Christmas?

Angry child because he doesn't want anything for Christmas.

Mood disorders

If a child does not want any gifts for Christmas, they may be experiencing a mood disorder. Depression or dysthymia manifest, among other symptoms, through general apathy, disinterest and lack of enthusiasm.

If this were the case, the minor would be unable to enjoy other activities that were previously enjoyable. In addition, you may have sleep and appetite disturbances, concentration problems, irritability, and negative thoughts.

It is unlikely that the cause of a child not wanting gifts for Christmas is such a disorder. However, try to analyze their attitude and behavior and, if you detect any of the above signs, go to a specialist.

Don’t know what to order

As the Christmas season approaches, children are bombarded with advertisements and toy catalogs. The offer is so wide that, at times, you can feel overwhelmed by the myriad of options. In this situation, it helps to encourage youngsters to think about their favorite hobbies and activities and to guide them to gift options that can further their hobbies or skills. Focusing and reducing the number of suggestions makes it easy to choose.

On the other hand, it is important to explain to them that not all gifts have to be material objects. Some children arrive in December with a long list of favorite toys, but others are not particularly interested in any.

Furthermore, many minors already have everything they may need. Thus, perhaps they would find it more appealing if their gift was an experience, such as doing a family escape room or going to a concert with their favorite artist. These options are often preferred by older children.

A single non-viable option

At other times it may happen that the minor only wants a gift that his parents have already refused, perhaps because of its high cost or because they do not consider it appropriate for his age.

This is the case, for example, of children who want to have a mobile phone before their parents want to give it to them. Faced with this refusal, the child can close in band and affirm that, if it is not that, he does not want anything.

Before giving in, remember your reasons and stand firm in your decision if it is the one you consider correct. Try to explain to your child why it is not possible for him to ask for that gift and work out solutions together. Maybe you can save to help buy it, or maybe you have to wait a couple of years to get it. Express your reasons and encourage him to choose another option, making it clear that you are not going to change his mind.

Mother talking to her angry son.

What to do if a child does not want any gifts for Christmas?

Many times children and adolescents who say they do not want anything for Christmas, whether it is due to apathy or not knowing how to decide, really do expect a gift. At the end of the day, giving is a way of showing affection, consideration and interest in the other. The value of these presents resides, above all, in knowing that there are other people who appreciate us and invest their time and money in giving us something that makes us happy.

Thus, it is always positive to give children a gift, even if it is a surprise for them or they have not chosen it. There are many types of gifts that can be made and the main objective will always be to convey to our children affection and involvement with their happiness.

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