My Son Doesn’t Listen To Me. What I Do?

If you feel like your child is not listening to you when you speak, maybe you just need to change the way you are communicating with him …
My son doesn't listen to me.  What I do?

An important part of communication is knowing how to send the ideas we want to convey. Sometimes you may feel that your child is not listening to you when you speak, but perhaps the problem is a failure in communication. Therefore, it is important that you know what to say, but also how to say it.

There are times when our child does not want to bathe, does not pay attention and does not do what we tell him. The worst thing is that we insist and it seems that he ignores us. There are different solutions that we can try in this situation, but first you must bear in mind that most parents go through this stage in which rebellion awakens in our children.

This stage can generally cause us a lot of concern and  the truth is that it is not for less. It is almost inevitable that anxiety and frustration play against us, d e just think that we have lost the authority in front of a little boy of young age.

Study the way you communicate with your child

The truth is that people are different and this must be taken into account. Sometimes when we are parents we project the way our parents scold us and we become frustrated when we see that it does not work the same with our children.

The problem is that we generally express ideas like our parents did. But the little one in front of you is from another generation, he has other habits  and therefore, it receives the messages in a different way. Classic doesn’t always work

Time to pay attention and reinvent yourself . Everything will depend on two fundamental aspects: how you emit the message and what are the characteristics of the receiver, that is, your little one. Think about it and check what are the mistakes you make.

Doesn’t he hear you? Check the cause


No matter how apathetic you look, you must understand that the reasons why your child does not listen to you are not always the same. Sometimes it happens that you give them a direct order and they hear it but pretend they haven’t paid attention to you .

That is an act of disobedience. But in other cases, He may be watching something very interesting on television and focusing on one thing only. We can’t blame him for this. Have you counted how many times the same thing happened to you?

It also happens that he or she wants to play with you so that you will chase him. So first identify what the lack of attention is causing and then react accordingly. We must be proportionate in what our children deserve .

Repeating is not the best option if he does not listen to you

Certainly , repetition is a surefire method of learning . But this works only when the message is subliminal or the reproduction is induced by the listener. What’s more, you should know that there is nothing more tedious than a repetitive order. The boy  he loses the surprise, he does not stimulate himself because he has already heard the same thing many times. He disobeys because there is no stimulus that attracts him.

Instead, new things always surprise. If you are innovative in the way you say things, then you have an opportunity to convey . It happens to all of us and also to your son. Change the content, the words and the way of saying it.

The scream always generates negative effects


The Scream  it is an expression in which it is shown that we have lost patience. Some little ones are very intelligent and quickly understand that they have managed to drive you out of your boxes. Y when we are parents the worst thing we can do is lose control .

When we shout, we say the first thing that comes to mind and sometimes what we say is not even understood. By raising our voices we only express that we are upset and that is not the most important content .

Affective communication is the most useful

There are mothers who really know how to communicate, identifying the values, tones and words that children like the most. It’s not just saying, it’s making them feel a certain way. The problem is that a communication  Emotional has its limits. There are mothers who always talk to their children as if they were babies and this is totally counterproductive . Outside the home, in the world, you will not find only tenderness and hugs.

The ideal is to change the technique, analyze what works with your child and be proportional to the type of situation you face.  Analyze yourself and manage to what extent emotionality should intervene and try to discover little by little what are the effective formulas for your little one .

Why must you always listen to a child when he speaks?

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