Physical Exercise During Pregnancy

Each body is a different world, so the main thing is to visit your doctor and listen to his proposal.
Physical exercise during pregnancy

Physical exercise during pregnancy (moderate and supervised) will protect and improve both your well-being and that of the baby considerably. Nothing like exercise to stay in shape and maintain your physical and emotional well-being. In fact, the benefits of physical exercise are so many that obstetricians and gynecologists recommend that all women establish a small routine, under supervision.

Doctors recommend that women who have not had pregnancy complications try to get 20 to 30 minutes of moderate physical activity more than three days a week.

swimming during pregnancy

Throughout the last twenty years it has been proven that the ideal physical exercise for pregnant women is cardiovascular exercise; that is, one that exercises the heart and oxygenation, promotes flexibility, controls weight gain, and prepares the body for the physical demands of pregnancy, childbirth, and the postpartum period.

The group of experts has already confirmed in the international journal “British Journal of Sports Medicine” that moderate and supervised physical exercise during pregnancy has a large number of benefits, both for the mother and the baby.

This is also confirmed by the first results of the analysis carried out by a panel of international experts from the Polytechnic University of Madrid (UPM). Among those responsible for this study is the doctor Rubén Barakat, who defends the positive effects of the influence of physical exercise on pregnant women who were part of the study sample.

Exercise during pregnancy

Benefits of physical exercise during pregnancy

Physical exercise is a health benefit as long as it is not done in extreme situations.

However, the relationship between exercise and pregnancy continues to be the subject of new research studies that seek to obtain more and more details and valuable information on the matter. The truth is that exercise always brings its benefits. The most important thing is to carry out a smooth routine, monitored by a specialist and above all, without haste.

Moderate physical exercise during pregnancy also helps improve your mood, sleep better, and reduce pain and discomfort typical of pregnancy. It also prepares you for childbirth, strengthening muscles and improving endurance, and makes you get back in shape more quickly after the birth of your little one.

physical exercise during pregnancy

The key is in moderation and supervision

Experts have also warned of certain potential risks in typical situations of high performance demanded during pregnancy, such as maximum efforts, the abundance of impact tasks, and, especially, the excessive maternal body temperature generated by high intensity exercise. All of these are aspects that a mother should not neglect.

If there is no type of contraindication in which you do a moderate exercise routine, you can choose between several disciplines such as swimming, yoga, Pilates, or even simply walking. All help you control your breathing, tone your muscles and prepare for an easier delivery, with fewer complications and discomfort, since the physical conditions of the woman are not only important during the pregnancy stage, but also during labor. Of childbirth.

The postpartum phase is also usually much more bearable for women who are in good physical condition and in general health. So it is important that you take care of your exercise routine to be able to enjoy the benefits it brings and thus provide you with a healthy pregnancy and postpartum, as well as a healthy life in close relationship with your baby.

Recommended exercises

  • Yoga.
  • Jogging.
  • Bike.
  • Swimming.
  • Pilates.
  • Cardiovascular.

Check with your doctor before starting any exercise program, no matter how moderate. When you get the go-ahead, make sure you pay close attention to your body’s signals and don’t push yourself too far. If something hurts or feels uncomfortable, discontinue activity and contact your doctor.

Physical exercises during pregnancy

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