Rice: An Ideal Food For Children

Rice is nutritious, easy to chew and digest. As it is so soft, children love it and many have only eaten rice.
Rice: an ideal food for children

So that you know more about this food so popular in many countries, we decided to investigate about it and offer you the information.

Nutritional value of rice

Rice is rich in starch – the most important source of calories that humans consume. In addition, recent studies have shown that resistant starch is beneficial for the microbiota, acting as a prebiotic. Contains minerals such as:

  • Iron so essential for the growth of children
  • Phosphorus that is part of DNA and RNA molecules
  • Calcium that participates in the formation and good health of teeth and bones, intervenes in the functioning of the central nervous system and blood clotting
  • Potassium which maintains the normal balance of water within the body, participates in the regulation of neuromuscular functions and stimulates the development of cells
  • Zinc that participates in the metabolism of proteins and nucleic acids and influences the activity of the immune system. It also plays an essential role in the synaptic plasticity of the brain.
  • Magnesium which is involved in the formation of neurotransmitters and muscle relaxation.
Child eating

Rice is also a cereal rich in vitamin E.

Tocopherol (vitamin E) helps with the conservation of red blood cells and the prevention of hemolytic anemia : a pathology that appears with their destruction. It is popularly known as the heart vitamin due to the important role it plays as a protector of said organ.

Vitamin E increases the physical development of children and counteracts the lung diseases so common in the early stages of life. It also promotes wound healing and improves the function of the immune system.

Recipes with rice

In order for you to make use of all the nutritional benefits of rice, below, we offer you some recipes that have this important cereal as the main ingredient.

Rice and egg balls

Both rice and eggs are popular in childhood, although of course, there are always some other children who hate them. But well, if your child is one of those who likes to eat these two foods, do not hesitate to offer him this nutritious and funny recipe.

Creamy rice
Boiled egg yolk

Preparation method:
To make the rice and egg balls, you must cook the rice with a little more water than usual so that it is a bit creamy, but without overdoing it.

Boil the egg for about 5 minutes. Peel it and separate the white from the yolk.

Next, chop the yolk of the egg into four parts.

Then, grease your hands with some vegetable oil (the one you use normally), take a good portion of rice and roll it into a ball. Open a hole in the rice ball and insert the egg; seal the gap and continue to mold until you have a nice and appetizing ball.

At dinner, serve these circumferences to your child. You will see that he will love them.


Rice ice cream

Rice ice cream is rare; however, it can be as appetizing as others and very nutritious, yes. Copy its ingredients and preparation method so that you have a food dessert to give to your little one.

1 cup of very creamy rice
3 cups of mango pulp (in this case we chose mango, but it can be any fruit or flavor)
1 cup of milk

Preparation method:
Cook the rice with plenty of water so that it is extremely creamy and the grains almost disintegrate.

Peel and slice some ripe mangoes and beat the portions in the mixer with very little water to make the pulp. Then strain it.

Next, put the mango pulp, rice and milk in the blender and beat for several minutes. We emphasize again that it is essential that the rice is very soft so that the ice cream does not have lumps.

When the shake is ready, strain it and put it in the refrigerator for approximately 15 or 20 minutes. After that time, take out the previously frozen ice cream and stir it, joining the frozen part with the one that is still half liquid. Then freeze it again until it solidifies.

In conclusion, rice is a good food to offer to children, since it contains carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals, but if you eat brown rice it will be much better because it will be richer in these.

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