Sensorimotor Intelligence

In the sensorimotor intelligence stage, the child realizes his potential, his individual role and also his possible role within a group.
Sensorimotor intelligence

The Swiss psychologist Jean Piaget defined sensorimotor intelligence as one of the stages of child development. In this phase, babies begin to become aware of the world around them through their senses and movements.

What is sensorimotor intelligence?

Sensorimotor intelligence is one of the stages of child development that has been exhaustively analyzed in recent years. It is immersed within the theory of development, which ends up defining, in turn, the infant’s cognitive development.

Piaget specified four stages: the sensorimotor, the preoperational, the operative and the formal operative. The sensorimotor stage is the one that develops from the baby’s birth to two years of age.

It is during this period of time that the little one begins to become aware of the world around him. All their senses and movements evolve to develop knowledge and interaction with the environment.

On many occasions, adults do not give the necessary importance to this stage of life. However, it is important for them to know that it is precisely during this cycle that extraordinary mental progress occurs. Not for nothing is it the first phase of cognitive development.

The development of sensorimotor intelligence

As explained above, sensorimotor intelligence develops from birth to two years. During this period of time the first unintentional habits appear. That is, the child still does not perceive himself as an individual within a group, but only himself.

Sensorimotor intelligence is one of the stages of child development that has been exhaustively analyzed in recent years.

It is also in this first phase when the little one begins to experience the so-called circular actions. These types of actions are those that the baby does centered on his own body; for that reason they are considered as primaries.

One of the first circular actions that the child develops is sucking. At birth, it is a reflex to suck the mother’s breast; however, later he begins to do it with other objects such as his fingers, the pacifier or even his toys.

Through this action, the baby begins to create a habit and to know textures and flavors; that is, it also develops knowledge.

The senses, movements and emotions are the great protagonists of sensorimotor intelligence.

How is sensorimotor intelligence built?

This stage of development is built from reflection. However, these do not just repeat themselves continuously. On the contrary, the baby is adding new reflections and, with it, much broader elements. These, in turn, allow for progressive differences.

Movements are key at this stage. In fact, when the infant makes an interesting movement, he usually repeats it again, but always adding new elements to it. These movements known as circular reaction are essential for sensorimotor development.

It is important to remember that, according to this author, intelligence appears long before the ability to speak. Intentional behavior is generated at this stage of life, as well as mental combinations, symbolic images and mental representations.

Sensorimotor intelligence includes the incorporation of new movements.

The importance of sensorimotor intelligence

This stage is, without a doubt, one of the most important bases of the sensory, motor and intellectual development of the human being. During this phase of the child’s life an evolution occurs until the baby develops an intentional behavior.

This type of behavior includes a transitive schema and a mobile schema. Therefore, it is essential that parents stimulate their children with exercises and games specially designed for this period.

The baby from the beginning will make reflections to which he will later incorporate new elements. These will in turn bring new results, which will allow the baby to experiment and develop his intelligence. In this way, the little one goes from a reflex movement such as sucking to generating habits and relating objects.

Sensory and motor intelligence are part of the developmental scheme presented by the Swiss psychologist Jean Piaget. It is the first stage of four that make up cognitive intelligence.

It should not be forgotten that the first two years of life are essential for the optimal development of the child. For this reason it  is very important that parents encourage their children in the appropriate way.  Thus, they will give them all the tools and elements to boost and develop their intelligence.

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