Sleep In The Different Trimesters Of Pregnancy

One of the aspects that can be most affected during pregnancy is sleep. Knowing the main problems in each trimester will help us find a solution.
Sleep in the different trimesters of pregnancy

During the nine months that the pregnancy lasts, women undergo physical and emotional changes. And, although being pregnant is not being sick, sometimes the symptoms are really annoying and exhausting. For this reason, pregnant women often need more sleep. That’s why today we want to talk to you about sleep in pregnancy.

Both parents and mothers know that when the baby is born they will be sleepy and tired. Children require a lot of attention and often wake up several times a night to be cared for, fed or simply to feel the warmth of their parents.

But although it is true that with a baby at home you sleep much less, pregnant women can feel this discomfort of lack of sleep long before it is born. During the first trimester, you may need to sleep more than usual. This is totally normal, since the body will be very tired from all the changes that are taking place inside.

During this stage the placenta is in the formation stage and the body is producing much more blood so it will require great energy and you will be very tired all the time. The problem is that many women cannot sleep when they are pregnant, due to lack of time or other reasons. It is necessary to learn what sleep is like in the different stages of pregnancy (trimesters) to understand it and find the most appropriate solutions in each case.

Sleep in pregnancy

With all the hormonal and physical changes that occur with pregnancy, it is no wonder that most women experience sleep problems. Each trimester comes with different unique challenges and the dream will be no less in each of them. Different sleep problems can occur at different stages of pregnancy and it is important that you recognize them.

First trimester of pregnancy

During the first trimester of pregnancy, you will feel much more tired during the day, you will notice that you lack the strength to carry out daily activities that you did without effort before pregnancy. Also, when night comes you may feel some sleep disturbances due to the physical and emotional stress that you are beginning to have.

As if that were not enough, you will also go to the bathroom more times at night to urinate and this will also interrupt your sleep, increasing fatigue the next day. You may even have nausea and vomiting that not only lasts during the day or is sporadic, but can also cause you to get up at night to go to the bathroom and vomit in case you need to.

Second trimester of pregnancy

During the second trimester of pregnancy, most women feel some relief from sleep problems and other typical pregnancy discomforts. But during this stage there will also be some sleep problems that you need to recognize just in case they happen to you.

Although there are fewer trips to the bathroom and you have a better quality of sleep, during this stage the belly begins to grow and you may feel discomfort to find the position to sleep, you may also suffer from heartburn or heartburn at night.

Sleep in pregnancy: the final stretch

Most sleep challenges are experienced in the last trimester of pregnancy. It is the final recipe and pregnant women will feel heavier, more upset and with great physical and emotional changes.

At this stage you may notice leg cramps, nasal congestion and muscle aches. Great discomfort appears to move in bed or find the right posture to sleep. And also, he urinates more frequently as the baby begins to press heavily on the bladder.

Once you know all this you will be able to better understand if you have problems during sleep at each stage of pregnancy and why it occurs. In this way you can be more calm and know that it is something normal and common in all pregnant women. In addition, there is also a high percentage of pregnant women who suffer from insomnia throughout the months of pregnancy.

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