Social Media Pressure Women To Look Perfect

Social media pressure women to look perfect

It doesn’t matter if you have one, two or three children. It also doesn’t matter if you are pregnant. Social media can make you feel pressured to look perfect. It is likely that such perfection of other women can make you feel very bad and even make you think that you are doing something wrong with yourself or with your beauty. But it is not like that at all.

There is no doubt that social media and the instant availability of images has changed the way we relate to the outside world. As the popularity and influence of sites like Facebook or Instagram continue to grow , few can argue that it is not one of the most important tools for social contact in the modern world.

At any time in life, whatever can be experienced, it seems that social media has become the platform to reach other people who are going through the same situation, or simply to show them what your life is like … Or how you want them to believe it is your life.

Pregnant women, for example, can talk to other pregnant women who are about to give birth almost at the same time as them, track their progress, talk about the problems they are encountering and ultimately, share any aspect they want about their pregnancy or about motherhood.

The downside of social media

However, there is a downside to all of this, and that is that this constant, carefully selected communication is not always the reality of people’s lives. High levels of Facebook use have been linked to increased depression, anxiety, and poor life satisfaction. Even many women who show ‘their perfection’ actually feel great insecurity and a need for approval.

It seems that the people who use Facebook the most to see the lives of others, compare those lives with their own, their mood decreases and they think that their lives are not as exciting or fulfilling as those of other people. Do you really think that all mothers are as perfect as in their photographs 24 hours a day? Surely they also feel the social pressure to be beautiful.

What you see on Facebook is not reality


It is easy to know that Facebook does not count the reality of people … People show only what they want others to see. Facebook, Instagram and these types of social networks are a false presentation of people, but you may make certain negative self-comparisons with others and that you feel bad as a mother and a woman.

One of the biggest negative impacts of Facebook on women is the increase in body image dissatisfaction, as they are compared to perfect photos of famous women who after being mothers look wonderful. But his reality with coaches and beauty professionals have nothing to do with reality. Also, many of those photos are not real because they are selected or retouched.

All this can cause a new mother who does not feel perfect to have low self-esteem and even increase her health problems. Dissatisfaction with not being a perfect mother and having a 10 body can be a problem for women of all ages, even in beautiful times like pregnancy.


It doesn’t matter if you’re not perfect

Deep down, people know that people only put the best photos or the best videos on Facebook and that there are many applications that help make images look much more attractive. Pregnant women and new mothers feel pressure from society to look perfect at all times and think that weight gain or body changes work against them.

But the reality is that a woman who is a mother will have changes in her body and must accept them because it is necessary – or was necessary at the time – for the growth and development of the baby. Women who are mothers will have body changes and this does not have to make you feel less valued. Do not want to be perfect, be yourself and remember, you are unique in this world. Your self-esteem is your true beauty, with or without filters.

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