Spoon Recipes For The Third Trimester Of Pregnancy

Spoon dishes are an excellent filling and nutritious option. For pregnant women there are a large number of ideas, perfect for the third trimester of pregnancy.
Spoon recipes for the third trimester of pregnancy

The final stretch of pregnancy especially requires a good diet. This last stage of the baby’s gestation is accompanied by greater energy needs. Spoon recipes are a great option – filling, tasty, and easy to prepare.

In the last trimester of pregnancy you will surely feel very tired and have certain pains due to the weight gain of the baby and its movements. It is at this time where the baby’s brain development takes place, in addition to its bone growth.

The importance of a good diet

It is necessary to incorporate specific nutrients and in greater quantity to accompany the health of both. Professionals may advise vitamin supplements, but only to supplement. In the case of vitamins, they should be consumed through quality, natural foods.

In terms of quantity, nutritionists assure that you should consume about 350 calories more than those normally consumed. That is, if a woman had a diet of 1800 kcal, during pregnancy she should eat a diet of 2150 kcal, be it salty foods or desserts. Still, there are no magic formulas, it all depends on the Body Mass Index (BMI) and what your doctor recommends.

Having a good diet is key for the correct development of the fetus.

Essential nutrients and vitamins in the third trimester of pregnancy

  • Omega 3 Fatty Acids : necessary for the baby’s brain development, the circulatory system and the retina.
  • Calcium : it should be increased about 400 milligrams a day so that the mother does not suffer the consequences.
  • Iodine : also important for the child’s brain, so supplements can be taken.
  • Vitamin D : the body produces this vitamin when the skin is in contact with the sun and transforms cholesterol. A few minutes a day are enough, in addition to consuming egg yolk.

From the MedlinePlus health portal they recommend eating breads, cookies and cereals made with whole grains. In addition, in terms of dairy, they point out that “consuming skim milk, 1% or 2%, will greatly reduce the amount of calories and fat you eat.”

However, this recommendation clashes with the results of recent studies, where the intake of whole dairy products is recommended to prevent vitamin losses. It should be remembered that milk is a food that contains vitamin D and that a deficiency of it has been shown to be detrimental to health. This fat-soluble nutrient needs fat to be transported and accumulated.

Spoon recipes for the third trimester of pregnancy

As a tip, remember that the moment of each meal should be enjoyed. Eating slowly is essential, which will help improve digestion. Try not to abuse fat and pay attention to fiber and fruit (5 pieces a day). 

Rice with curried cod

A typical, tasty meal that provides carbohydrates, omega 3 and proteins.


  • Brown rice 160 grams.
  • Cod 200 grams.
  • A bell pepper.
  • One onion.
  • One garlic clove.
  • Two eggs
  • Curry, two teaspoons.
  • Turmeric, 1 tsp.
  • Salt.
  • Olive oil.
  • Water.


  1. Place chopped olive oil, bell pepper, onion and garlic in a skillet.
  2. Sauté for about eight minutes with a pinch of salt.
  3. In half a liter of boiling water, place the cod cut into pieces. When it starts to boil, wait a minute, remove from heat and separate the cod.
  4. Add the rice, curry and turmeric to the vegetables. Mix for a minute and cover with the cod water.
  5. Cook for 18 minutes and add the cod that had been separated.

Pasta salad with walnuts and apple

This recipe is perfect if you want a light, fresh and easily digestible dish. Keep in mind that apples provide a type of fiber, pectin, which is capable of improving intestinal transit and the biodiversity of the microbiota. This is stated by a study published in Nutrients .


  • 200 grams of pasta spirals.
  • 4 apples.
  • 50 grams of peeled walnuts.
  • Salt.
  • 1 lemon
  • 2 tablespoons of olive oil.
  • 1 tablespoon of honey.


  1. Cook the pasta separately in salted water.
  2. In a bowl, place the juice of a lemon and submerge the peeled apples cut into cubes.
  3. Strain the pasta and pour it into a bowl. Add the apples, walnuts and drizzle with the olive oil and honey.

Final recommendations to improve the quality of the diet

  • Don’t forget to  balance the ingredients. In this way, if you prepare a pasta salad at noon, do not eat carbohydrates again but vegetables or protein.
  • The needs of non-fat dairy, fruits, vegetables, legumes, cereals and meats must be covered every day. Each of them brings something that the baby is waiting for to continue its development.
  • Do physical activity, avoid sedentary lifestyle. Doing Pilates or swimming are good options.
  • Don’t eat raw meat or fish, and do n’t eat fresh cold cuts.
  • Finally, remember that hydration is always a fundamental aspect but at this stage more because there are two of you. Take into account the recommendation to drink a minimum of 2 liters of water a day.
Salty recipes for the third trimester of pregnancy

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