Teach Your Child To Brush Their Teeth

Teach your child to brush their teeth

Oral health, brushing your teeth daily, is essential for the good health of children. Not because they have milk teeth or being small, the first molars are more resistant or need to be given less care. Mom, Dad, and the rest of the family members must ensure proper brushing and make the little ones at home, even when they don’t want to, brush their teeth well and take care of them.

In this text we will offer you some advice in this regard.

Baby teeth

Milk teeth, deciduous dentition, temporary teeth, primary dentition …, it is the first dentition that sprouts in human beings.

It begins around 6 months of age, in some much earlier, and accompanies humans throughout their childhood until approximately 7 or 8 years, when they begin to be replaced by permanent teeth.

These small and funny little teeth are used by the child to eat: bite and chew food well and thus prepare it for assimilation and decomposition during digestion. The same function that permanent teeth have for adults.

For this reason, baby teeth need to be cared for as much as permanent teeth do. Its correct brushing is one of the good manners that should be instilled in the child from an early age.

Brushing baby teeth

The brushing of the teeth is the hygiene method that makes it possible to clean all the parts, the gums and the tongue.

If there is not a correct brushing, or this is not done frequently, the bacterial plaque on the teeth favors the appearance of cavities.

The young child must be introduced to this routine and taught how to take the brush and brush their teeth correctly. Mom should explain that:

  • The upper teeth are brushed both on the outside and inside, always from top to bottom
  • The lower gum teeth are washed from the bottom up, both inside and out
  • The tongue must also be washed.

When brushing is done properly, the bacterial layer that covers the teeth is removed. Gums and teeth are protected.

Parents should teach their child to brush their teeth regularly: after every breakfast, after lunch, lunch and before going to bed, especially if they ate any food.

Good oral health

Good oral health is not only maintained by brushing your teeth and practicing regular and correct brushing.

You have to know that many other steps must be taken so that a child keeps his teeth healthy and can make use of them while they last.

Let’s say, for example, the child must be taken care of from falls. It is not that he is overprotective or forbidden to play with the other children; But mom must be aware of the possible dangers that can put her little one at risk.

Baby teeth are vulnerable to chipping, which can become very painful if not treated well.

Also, minors are given to eat candies, lollipops, lollipops … very hard foods that should not be bitten.

The mother who allows her child to eat this type of candy should ensure that he brushes his teeth well after eating them, making sure, in addition, that he does not bite them, less with the canines.

If this is the case for you, give your child the crushed candies or teach him to suck on them and never bite or chew on them.

Whenever your child complains or you notice that cold or too hot foods bother him, take him to the stomatologist; you likely have cavities.

Cavities should be filled as soon as possible to avoid major complications. In addition, a child with cavities, who “bothers” to eat, will stop eating as it should.

Lastly, when teeth develop cavities, even when filled with amalgam, they weaken. If they are used to chew hard food, they can fracture or detach the filling. Keep this in mind.

Mom, the oral health of your child depends on how much time you dedicate to it and the education, which, in this sense, you offer to your little one.

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