Textbooks Yes Or No?

Technology has changed the paradigm with which students enhance their educational capabilities. In this article, we take the opportunity to analyze the feasibility of using textbooks.
Textbooks yes or no?

Modernization has reached all parts of the planet and, how could it be otherwise, it also has a presence in schools. We have reached the point where many tutors, teaching professionals, and parents ask themselves the following question: Textbooks yes or no?

Textbooks have accompanied students of all generations to date. They are one of the elements that have been most present in the classrooms of schools around the world. However, the reality is that they are disappearing because more and more digital materials are available.

In this sense, technology has created another scenario in which electronic tablets appear as an alternative to traditional textbooks. Although there are many nostalgic people who oppose this paradigm shift, it seems that it is a natural process that cannot be stopped.

To help you decide, we present to you a study carried out in 2016, in which 90 students were asked to read short informational texts on a computer and in print. The students performed equally well in describing the main idea of ​​the passages, regardless of the medium.

However, when asked to list additional key points and recall more details, readers of the print texts had the upper hand. What else can we add around this question?

What are the reasons for continuing to use textbooks?

1. Ease of following information

The ease with which they allow students to find information is one reason to stick with textbooks. Generally, books are written with detailed content pages and indexes that, if properly designed, can be used to quickly find what the student is looking for. Textbooks also provide a structure for student learning.

2. It’s easier for teachers

There are also advantages for teachers who use textbooks. For young teachers, textbooks can be especially helpful because lesson material and structure are often very detailed;  This means they don’t have to spend a lot of time coming up with new ideas for the lessons.

In order not to overload the backpack, it is convenient to carry only the essential material for each day.

3. Greater comfort to work

While most e-books come equipped with a small army of tools that allow students to mark or take notes, students are simply not used to using electronic tablets in class. Most still prefer tangible books in which they can physically stand out and write notes in the margins.

Weaknesses of textbooks

The first of the weak points is the weight that students must carry on their backs every time they go to school. The image of a child carrying a backpack full of books is a typical postcard in most schools and institutes; this may well be avoided by betting on the implementation of technology.

Another negative aspect of textbooks is that, although it is true that in some cases they are reused by family or friends, in most cases they tend to be forgotten once they have already been used.

What are the reasons to bet on technology?

1. Boost creativity

The convenient tablet format encourages creativity – you can draw, compose music, or make movies without the need for additional tools. This is how students exercise their creative abilities rather than being just passive recipients of knowledge.

2. Easy to use

Admittedly, tablets are much more intuitive and easier to use than desktop and laptop computers, or even paper books. In addition to this, most children are already used to its use.

3. Direct communication

Tablets connect all major stakeholders: students, parents, and teachers. Handwritten notes or tasks can be lost in a short time, intentionally or accidentally.

This never happens with digital data – any comments that include criticism, congratulations or concerns are available for future reference.

Booktrailers can be a good learning strategy in the classroom.

Weaknesses of technology in the classroom

The first of the disadvantages of introducing technology at school refers to the impact that the use of electronic tablets can have on children. In fact, it can make them too distracted. This distraction can be due to the games, videos and countless entertainment applications that these devices include.

Second, unlike printed material, digital textbooks stay on the tablet and don’t go anywhere else. This means that it does not allow the books to be shared between colleagues or siblings.

Finally, you should know that, for many students, the use of e-books is not about preference or price, but about availability.  Usually, the books students need for school are simply not available in digital format.

In short, we are in the presence of an issue on which not all those involved agree. However, we are clear that we are in a transition period that leads us to think that technology will have more and more presence in the classroom.

Children prefer paper books

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