The Best Brands Of Breast Pads

Meet the best brands of breast pads. Without a doubt, one of the essential accessories for every breastfeeding mom.
The best brands of breast pads

If you are about to be a mother and you plan to breastfeed your baby, we want you to be ready to enjoy this new stage. For this reason, we are going to tell you about the best brands of breastfeeding discs, so that you have them before your little one is born and you can be protected from the milk leaks that are going to occur.

There are plenty of options on the market and all of them are made to keep you dry and to take care of the delicate skin around the nipple. We are going to know everything about this important accessory.

Nursing pads, a basic when it comes to breastfeeding

Mother breastfeeding her baby.

When your baby is born, you will have the possibility to decide if you want to feed him with formula milk or with breastfeeding. If you decide on the second option, you will see that, once you and your little one get used to it, it is something easy, natural and very comfortable, since you will always carry their food with you, at the perfect temperature and in the ideal container.

A few days after your baby is born, after the colostrum, the milk will rise and you will notice how your breasts fill up more and more. As the baby takes more feedings, the amount of milk will also increase and you will see that it is very normal to have drips or leaks in between.

It can also be common that when you hear a baby crying, even if it is not yours, or with certain stimuli, your body reacts by producing milk and causing these leaks.

Depending on the woman, this can be seen in small drops or a more abundant outlet in the form of jets. This is when the nursing pads come into play, an element that will help you stay clean and dry. Do you want to know some of the best brands that exist in the market?

The best options on the market

Breast pads.

Reusable nursing pads

The main advantage of these nursing pads is that they are washable and can be reused as many times as you like, which means considerable savings. Those that are made only of fabric are not entirely inadvisable, but they quickly get soaked.

The best option is the ecological nursing disc, which incorporates a laminated polyurethane layer that makes it waterproof. They are also composed of natural materials such as bamboo and cotton, or other synthetics such as polyester, which achieve optimal breathability.

Single-use nursing pads

Single-use nursing pads are known as “throwaway.” Typically, they are made of synthetic cellulose or polypropylene fibers and offer  great absorption capacity. They usually have an adhesive band so that it is fixed to the bra fabric and does not move.

These are some of the brands that moms like the most in relation to their price and quality. Take note!


Suvinex has a pack of 60 disposable nursing pads. We love them because they are Bisphenol A free and made with cellulose from sustainable forests. In addition, they are extra thin, which makes them practically invisible under clothing and come in individual bags of two units, so they are very practical to transport.


There are also 60 units in the Medela package and they have an oval design, which allows most of their surface to rest under the nipple. They have a double adhesive tape, which will give you total security of movement.

Mother breastfeeding her baby.

It is less than 2 millimeters thick, which makes them very thin, despite the four layers that compose them. We like them because they have no seams, so they are comfortable and imperceptible.

Chicco Disposable Nursing Pads

Chicco offers you a pack of 30 or 60 units. One of its objectives is to prevent bacteria from accumulating on the disc, to prevent infection problems. We have chosen them because they have been dermatologically tested with very good results.

They are extra-thin and highly absorbent, but allow the skin to breathe at all times. Without a doubt, one of the options that users stand out the most.

In short, these are some of the brands of nursing discs that exist. As you can see, you can choose between washable ones and use them as many times as you want, or other disposable ones.

You will see that you hardly notice that you are wearing them, on the other hand, you will feel very comfortable and safe when you wear them. Say goodbye to stains and mishaps away from home.

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