The Best Thing You Can Do For Your Pregnant Friend

If you have a friend who is pregnant, you can do a lot for her! Your friendship is very important now.
The best thing you can do for your pregnant friend

It is true that when your friend is pregnant many things change, but the friendship continues. The best friendships withstand all challenges that arise. That is why we evolve according to the situation in which we each find ourselves. It has been discovered that we even run the risk of catching our friend’s pregnancy.

If your pregnant friend needs you, do not hesitate to go to her, it is sure that it will be an experience that will unite you much more. This stage is exciting for both of us. If you are already a mother you will understand it well, if you are not you will have an excellent opportunity to understand the process.

As this is a special moment in your friend’s life, it is convenient that you do not miss it. Let us remember to be aware of your needs, your comfort and continuous support. Pregnant women have particular needs and their capacities are diminished in some respects. We tell you everything you can do for your pregnant friend.

5 things you can do for your pregnant friend


Do not stop visiting it

Although sometimes we treat pregnant women as if they were sick, other times we let it pass as something irrelevant. We know that because she is pregnant there will be many things that she will stop doing, but if we are true friends, we cannot abandon her.

Maybe before we visited all the time because we had planned outings or we had more fun. However, the support she needs now must be greater. It is possible that our friend is more exhausted and less spirited, but nothing like a pleasant conversation to improve her state.

Remembering anecdotes and talking gently about the things they like to do can add to their mood . The most important thing is that your friend feels understood and listened to, nothing to alarm her about what will come in a few months.

Support their complaints and demands

Some pregnant women suffer from having to perform tasks in their state. You may have a lot of complaints to report and want to assert your rights. This situation is conducive to feeling your support, whether you think he will win or not win the battle he faces.

She will surely have demands about your comfort and need to be understood. In this regard, it is up to us to support her to get what she wants. At least it is enough that you feel that you are not alone.

Help her indulge herself

Pregnant women sometimes put aside their own tastes. During this stage, the most important thing is the baby, so they forget that they have their own interests. Perhaps she has stopped going to a restaurant or to the movies, so it is convenient to give her a special invitation.

Invite her to have a different time, like friends do. Let’s not forget that when the baby is born, she will not have time to do these things. For a long period of time she will stop being herself, to take care of being a mother.

Solve your doubts


If you are a mother, your experience can be very helpful for her. Mothers always need the support of others in the same situation. In the event that you still do not have children, avoid bringing more doubts to them than they have.

Also, don’t be the bearer of bad news. If you have heard anecdotes or worrying information, avoid telling your pregnant friend. She doesn’t need you to make her more nervous. If possible, find out about the process she is going through to resolve any doubts she may have.

Go with her to the doctor

Many pregnant women attend their prenatal visits alone. Recently it has become customary for the baby’s father to accompany them from time to time. However, it is not always possible for someone to be available to accompany you to the doctor.

Offer to go with her to the doctor when she needs it. The company of a friend is invaluable. In this context, sometimes there will be more trust with a friend than with your partner and even with the family, which is sometimes more dramatic.

As you can see, there are many things you can do for your pregnant friend, and she will always appreciate that you have supported her and given all your love in this important stage for her. It is a difficult stage and all help is little. Your love for her is without a doubt the best gift. 

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