The Marie Kondo Method Of Ordering The House

The Marie Kondo method of ordering the house is going around the world because of the connection it achieves with happiness and inner peace. We present it to you!
The Marie Kondo method of tidying up the house

The organization method of the Japanese Marie Kondo is breaking records through her best-selling book  The Magic of Order  and currently, her Netflix series To order with Marie Kondo!

This method is based on the order of the house from the elimination of the unnecessary, and is closely linked to the mantra and the personal and internal, since by eliminating objects that are not necessary you will feel inner peace and happiness.

If you are a mess ordering or just want to know the method, we will tell you the necessary steps to order the house in the Kondo style.

Marie Kondo method of ordering the house: greeting and organization

Surreal as it may seem, the first thing Marie Kondo does when entering one of the houses she is going to order is to sit on the ground and connect with the house. In this way he enters into a bond with the home and thanks it for all that it offers every day.

Once this link is made, Marie explains the division that she makes in the Konmari method in categories and not in spaces of the house.

The Marie Kondo method of ordering the house is divided into five large blocks or thematic areas:

  1. The clothes
  2. The books
  3. The papers
  4. Komono
  5. Personal items

1. The clothes

The first space that Marie always begins with is with the clothes of the inhabitants of the house.

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When he comes across large amounts of clothing, the elimination begins. This removal is divided into several steps.

  1. First of all, you must take all the clothes you have and put them together on the bed.
  2. You must go garment by garment and think if you are going to keep it or throw it away. Sometimes this step is complicated, so the guru of order explains that the decision can be made through a question that you will ask yourself: does this garment make you happy?
  3. If the answer is yes, keep it. If not, it’s time to throw it away
  4. Once you have all the clothes chosen, you should fold them and arrange them in the cabinets or drawers vertically to get more space.

In addition, Marie explains that if a garment that you are going to throw away has personal memories for you, you should thank it before throwing it away or donating it.

2. Books

The same method used for clothing will be carried out in the category of books.

In Marie Kondo’s method of ordering the house, it is recommended to have a small library of books that does not exceed 30 books. For its elimination, make two piles:

  • A lot with the books that you will keep.
  • Another with which you will shoot. These should be those books that do not give you any feeling when you have them in your hands.

3. Papers

As for the papers, the ordering will be similar to that of the two previous categories. You should only keep the following papers:

  • Papers you normally use.
  • The ones you need for a limited period.
  • Documents that you need to keep forever.

    4. Komono

    The Komono category, the most extensive, includes all the objects that are not present in the other categories, from beauty products to electronic devices or children’s toys.

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    The goal of this category is to keep everything in an orderly way. The solution that Marie Kondo gives to organize it is the use of boxes, baskets or jars.

    To do this, you must place all the objects that you have on a table in the same way that you previously did with the clothes. This way you will be aware of all the things you have and which ones are important.

    5. Personal belongings

    The category of personal items is the most difficult to organize. Similarly, Marie Kondo’s method of ordering the house defines that the objects in this category must be organized in the way that makes you happy and be placed in a visible place.

    This way you can always remember them. If you do this organization in small beautiful colored boxes, it will be more eye-catching.

    One of the personal objects to which he refers are the photographs. Instead of putting them in boxes, you can put them in albums to make them more visible.

    Now that you know the Marie Kondo method of ordering the house, you have no excuse to give your home a new look. Let’s do it!

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