The Most Effective Secondary Education Systems

We know which countries have designed the most effective secondary education systems according to the annual ranking of the World Economic Forum.
The most effective Secondary Education systems

What do you think are the best Secondary Education systems in the world ? The Finn is very famous, but is he really the most positive for this second phase of children’s training?

The World Economic Forum offers an annual report on Global Competitiveness in which, in addition to evaluating the economies of hundreds of countries, it also analyzes their educational systems, both primary, secondary and university.

The best Secondary Education systems in the world

In the ranking prepared by this world body, we find countries that are very different from each other. However, they all have something in common:  a firm commitment to the education of their young people.

Some have been with this for several decades, others have accessed the ranking in recent years. Be that as it may, it is clear to everyone that the future of their nation depends on a sound, adequate and high-level education.


It occupies one of the most prominent places thanks to the high capacities shown by its students in science, mathematics and literacy subjects, according to the OECD scales. Students spend three years in non-compulsory Secondary Education, but with 98% enrolled, before choosing a university.

Child working in class.


It is surprising the inclusion of this small country, which has achieved a literacy rate of 98%. Secondary Education is between 11 and 18 years old, and its schools are state-owned.

New Zealand, one of the best Secondary Education systems

Good training work in Oceania has brought New Zealand to one of the top spots. State Secondary schools educate 85% of students. To these are added those of joint work and the private ones completely.


Another of the countries that have improved the most. It maintains an Education Law since 1992 and allocates 4% of GDP to this matter. It is based on the creation of conditions for the development of personality and respect for ethnic minorities, along with the preservation of nature and the values ​​of citizenship.


Most of the Irish secondary schools are private, but financed by the state. They also strengthen vocational and comprehensive institutions. The state spends 15% of its GDP on education.


Qatar has become a major global player in the field of educational innovation. In recent years, it has implemented new high-level university research and literacy projects. In addition, it has raised its educational standards and created the Vision 2030 program to create a self-sufficient country through government-funded schools that offer free training.

The Netherlands, another of the best Secondary Education systems

Another of the countries that is committed to quality Secondary Education. It leads educational well-being, according to UNICEF data, and its schools do not report pressure and stress on students. They divide the training between neutral state schools and schools of faith. They only own a small number of private centers.


Singapore’s education system scores very high every year on the PISA (Program for International Student Assessment) tests. The performance of students in the different subjects that are computed is high, but they are under great pressure.

Girl thinking about her studies in Secondary Education.


It offers training in four types of secondary schools. On the one hand, there are the general ones, also the technical ones, the professional ones and, finally, the art ones. This country has a highly committed Educational System, since it is a priority for them, with an annual budget at both the state and regional levels.


Secondary education in Switzerland is basically public, except for 5% of students who do attend private schools. It offers multi-language training depending on the region, since, depending on the area of ​​the country, German, French and even Italian are mostly spoken. In addition, it separates students according to their demonstrated abilities and talents.

Finland, the best secondary education system

The first place in all kinds of rankings on Secondary, Primary and even University education systems is usually Finland. He is famous for avoiding classifications and bands beyond the ability of his students, as they all learn in the same classes.

That is why it has reduced the gap between strong and weak students to the maximum. In addition, it is famous for the few tasks that are commissioned  and that it forces children to take a mandatory test at 16 years old and little more.

These are currently considered the most effective Secondary Education systems in the world. Which one did you find the most attractive and striking?

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