The Most Remarkable Characteristics Of The Generation Z

Have you heard of Gen Z or “centennial”? Do you know what its most outstanding characteristics are? Discover them below!
The most remarkable characteristics of the generation Z

In recent years much it has been written about m illennials , these young people born between 1980 and 1995 characterized by growing up with the expansion and development of internet and new technologies. But there is a generation that takes over from this and that is being talked about more and more, it is generation Z, also known as centennials .

This new generation includes those born, approximately, between 1995 and 2010, that is, in the middle of the digitalization era. Do you want to know what are its most remarkable characteristics? Pay attention to what we tell you below.

Group of friends belonging to generation Z.

The most remarkable characteristics of the generation Z

Young people belonging to generation Z, like any other generation, show specific characteristics marked by experiences and circumstances. Below, based on the information provided by the Coolhunting Group company, we present some of them.

1. Generation Z is the first generation of digital natives

The young people of generation Z are considered the first digital natives, since they were born surrounded by electronic devices with which they have been able to interact from the first years of life. This makes them tend to use them, especially the mobile, to carry out multiple activities of daily life, such as:

  • Communicate.
  • Find information.
  • Learn.
  • Play.
  • To buy.

In addition, a large part of their free time is dedicated to using social networks and consuming streaming  videos (live broadcast).

2. They are impatient and lose concentration easily

The c entennials due to the high their use of technology, they are accustomed to immediacy, because everything gets online easily and quickly.

However, real life is not like that, which leads them to have little patience, show little tolerance for frustration and lose concentration in a very short time.

3. They are more aware of the environment

This generation has grown up being aware of the impact of human beings on the environment and the problems that this causes in the short and long term. Therefore, in general, they are people committed to the care and protection of the environment and who intend to combat climate change.

4. They are more realistic

Those born between 1995 and 2010 have experienced the great economic crisis of 2008 and the consequences of it, during their childhood. Which makes them more socially and economically realistic, cautious and responsible  compared to previous generations.

5. They respect diversity

People who are part of generation Z are born in a globalized world  characterized by cultural diversity, so they are used to living and interacting with all kinds of people.

Generation Z using social media.

In addition, the education they receive is based on equality, inclusion and respect for diversity. All this makes them develop an open, flexible and very critical mind regarding certain social issues.

 Understand Gen Z

In order to understand children, adolescents and young people in today’s world, that is, the new generations, it is essential to know what their main characteristics are and to know their concerns, thoughts, personality traits, etc.

If you are the mother or father of a person who belongs to Generation Z, or you just tend to be in contact with c entennials , surely, after reading these lines, you have a much better understanding of their usual behaviors and attitudes.

Although it should be noted that this is a generation under construction that still has a lot to live and experience and that will be transformed over the years. And you, are you ready to see them grow and mature?

Millennials characteristics

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