The Obstacle Course Of Working Mothers

The Obstacle Course of Working Mothers

The working mother is an increasingly common species, although large numbers of women still stay home to care for their children. In recent years, the female image has grown in many jobs; the economy has forced them, but also the desire for independence and self-improvement.

The obstacles depend on who is looking at them; we can talk about mothers leading busy lives because they must balance work with caring for children and home. In this case they must deal with housework, school, food, childcare, but at the same time they must take care of their work environment.

However, according to some data from the 2006 Analysis of Maternity in the European Union, more than half of mothers consider that the obstacles are in fact their children; that is to say, these mothers believe that children are the impediment to develop their work.

In this regard, although mothers love their children, they believe that without them their professional situation could be better or that they would have more opportunities to work. In this case, it is not about heartbreak, but they are aware that without children it would be different.

So the obstacle course actually begins when the woman has children and a job ; Well, this time we are talking about the challenges that working mothers must face on a daily basis. The real challenge is to equitably attend to all the functions that correspond to it.

What are the real obstacles for working mothers?


For a mother who goes out to work every day, simple things like combing her hair are difficult; If we look at it from this perspective, then we understand that obstacles are those situations that must be solved in a mandatory way and that arise as time tightens.

For example, if we have an hour in the morning to go to work, we must consider that children should get ready, eat breakfast and be cared for in most of their actions. If we are talking about babies who do not go to school, they still require attention, and they must also be placed in the care of the responsible person.
Just considering the transfers, the bags and the duties  we are talking about several occupations and a short space of time,  which until now has not been used in work matters. That is, you still have to deal with other challenges, which do not end until the last member of the house is asleep.

As if that were not enough, there is an additional obstacle to overcome and it is not known when it will appear: the consequences of this busy life. Serious studies reveal that children are not affected by the fact that their mothers are on the streets working; on the contrary, they appear to be better served.

However, many details come to be noticed, since it is known that children spend a lot of time on the street, with various activities and in charge of people who are not their parents. When they are old enough to be independent, they spend hours of the day alone at home doing who knows what.

In this sense, sometimes the guilt can seize mothers, who could see the deterioration in the family relationship and in the quality of life of their children, because their responsibilities prevent them from taking over all the tasks .

Other consequences refer directly to mothers, who have abandoned their requirements for health, rest and recreation. Over time the body becomes exhausted and symptoms of a stressed life begin to appear.

Social and labor obstacles


The development of the professional career of women since ancient times has been a challenge. A working woman was for years a non-existent species, since her work was destined for the home and the children; This in particular due to the lack of parental support in raising children, but life has changed.

Today there are still societies where some women maintain their old work habits, but every day they are less. However, prejudices still have to be dealt with; Why can’t a woman work? It is more complicated when she is a mother.

A woman with children receives fewer job opportunities than a single woman, but the woman is still the least attractive for the position. Companies assume that female complications can be counterproductive for them; Excuses about children may start to appear, such as illness or school commitments.

However, there are working mothers who faithfully fulfill both roles: that of mothers and that of employees. And from You’re Mom, we commend you for it!

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